Daily Archives: January 17, 2014

How Much You Like Money

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Do you know someone whom no money like? Do you sounds known the phrase money isn’t everything? Well, since this article is only for those who do not even know if the money like them or not. Yes. Incredibly, there are people in our capitalist world whose relationship with money is not the best, could even say that it is a totally negative relationship. The truth is, that if there is something that absolutely colors all aspects of our lives, it is precisely the money. From basic needs such as eating and dressing up which seem less important such as love and human relationships relate to our purchasing power. If you don’t believe me then I challenge you to do attempt to invite exit someone without a dime in the stock market. I think that men understand what I mean. In our American society we tend to relate to money with negative elements or events.

We have entrenched this culture that is only required to turn on the TV. Find a soap opera and locate the most unfortunate character of the plot. The poorer and with less luck. To him who all point to and despise. Well, that character is which in the end is left with the money of the villain and if that was little, even with women of this.

I quote the above because maybe your experience with the money has not been ideal. Maybe you have the feeling that this resource will miss hands and whenever you think about money the only thing that goes through your mind is everything that you could pay and debts that you could cover if the sky I got a good amount. Or perhaps, you think that the only money will bring you problems and better prefer to avoid it with the famous phrase of prefer being poor but happy (sounds consistent?) All truth is a matter of culture and education. As says Robert Kiyosaki in his book rich dad, poor dad; schools do not teach us to use the money and that is why when we have it in your hands we do not know what to do with the with him. We live thinking that money is to buy and spend and do not envision him as a partner and ally in our human development. We usually feel guilt when we were able to generate wealth thinking that will take us to loneliness and to the frivolity and forget about all the good we can do with the money and people that can help. Have you wanted to support a cause? Without money? It is impossible not to believe it? I suggest you to think clearly for that would like to be a person with money. If the answer is for example to buy me a balcony in the Aztec I invite you consider best about what you want to do and how you can improve the lives of others through your success. That not only push you to achieve your goals but that also, to reach them, you will feel extremely satisfied. If instead your answer is I would like to make more money to give me to me and mine life they deserve and at the same time making a change in my environment I assure you that you’re on very good way. Then? To who likes money?