Daily Archives: June 17, 2016

Chronic Hunger

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Although entertainer, this number still is unacceptably high and is very far from the Objectives of Development of the Millenium to diminish the hunger for the half up to 2015. Women and children represent the biggest ratio of people suffering from chronic hunger. The high prices of foods the low income places poor families with bigger risk not to obtain to receive feeding adjusted for gestantes, babies and children. In fact, more than one tero of infantile mortality in the world is related to the inadequate nutrition. Something between 25% and 50% of harvest of the countries poor ruins or is contaminated by fungos plagues or, before arriving at the tables. In the year of 1976 then the 4 billion inhabitants consumed resources that the nature obtained to restitute, which is, the planet was in its break-even point.

This situation moved and currently 50% are consumed more than the telluric spare capacity and for 2030 a consumption 100% is projected superior. This reliable accomodation loan made by the nature the human beings will cost expensive if it will not be corrected, with reflected right-handers in the deterioration of the quality of life of the species. To turn itself to the break-even point it must be reduced the natural consumption of resources and services in 33%, but as to explain to the Africans and Asians who not they can have the standard of living of the first world? Sustainable agriculture is appearing as a solution to mitigate climatic changes, to reduce problems of public health and costs, to become the cities most inhabitable and to generate empregosem estagnadas economies. More promising and possible future Emum, poor countries that currently have food scarcity could pass if to feed and to generate excesses to help other countries. The food production is inserted in the nature and is agent of its resetting. The agricultural activity almost always blossoms for the deforestation of forests.

The Supply

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b) mixing, i.e. tinting of colours, coatings, wood stains and car coatings with prefabricated components with the use of computer-aided Mischanlagen. Thus, it is possible to adjust the colour exactly the customer with facade and wall paints, wood and metal coatings. Also, car paint, according to the car manufacturer’s instructions can be mixed using above mixing plant. Due to this procedure of mixing, or sounding out, achieves a high flexibility in the supply of products (shades). The cost of a storage is minimized because only a few necessary components must be provided for the tinting. Tinted car varnishes should be practised as in the successor company to, filled in aerosol spray cans. This is making the customer possible minor paint repairs itself, without having to use painters tools and spray equipment.

c) color and wallpaper consulting the customer, in the rooms of his apartment. The use of the premises for the advice is (Parkettpflegemittel, beeswax, Unkrautex, Auger grain, etc.) Wellness products such as E.g. bath balls by Bombcosmetic decorative items and wax cloth ceiling ore mountain folk art products (incense cones and incense stoves this) candles, Fireworks, Birdseed de-icing salt and snow shovels the composition of assortments is based on that of the predecessor business. Because this was so economically stable and customer expectations will be met in the future. With this assortment structure it is possible to compensate for seasonal fluctuations.

So little exterior paint is in demand in the winter, this decline is offset by that but for the demand for road salt, snow slides and Birdseed. The main assortment is updated according to the fashion trends. This means that as new wallpaper collections are offered. The secondary range I will according to the customer needs and the seasonality update or even change. The further build on the basis of the performance and product portfolio Panalysen and planning, which should be described in other Artikelln.