Daily Archives: March 11, 2017

General Laws

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Of such models the construction of general laws resulted: bigger objective of modern Geography made use to surpass the studies of the particularitities and the common sense. (HISSA, 2002). In accordance with Capel (1981), two significant events had marked the affirmation of this new Geography: the first one, the publication, in 1953, of an article of Fred K. Schaefer against traditional regional-historicista conception e, as, in 1962, of a workmanship of William Bunge.

Between the related dates a new Geography if established and if it spread out from focos as the University of Iowa, with proper Fred K. Schaefer; the University of Wisconsin, traditional user of statistical methods e, over all, the University of Washington, under the direction of William L. Garrison and of the visit of the Swedish Torsten Hgerstrand, in which if they had formed the notables Brian J.L. Berry, William Bunge and W.R. Tobler, among others.

According to Abreu (2006), the biggest development found for Theoretical and the Quantitative ones, in the United States, if had the participativas university most democratic and, as well as the o development of departments of Geography in Harvard, with William Morris Davis, and in Michigan, with Carl Sauer, beyond already cited. Of the teses developed in such departments, Theoretical and Quantitative Geography appeared. It can be affirmed that the consolidation of the espacialista tradition, understood as a general boarding with methods and applied statistical techniques on the geographic space if had, still, to the abundance of found governmental resources to the disposal of the North American scientific community. (KINGS JNIOR and PEREZ SON, 2008). In relation to the produced knowledge, T. Hargestrand, in Sweden, studied the modifications in agriculture and its relation with the urban and agricultural way. In the United States, W. Bunge was worried about the geometric properties of physical systems e, also, with sciences social and psychology; The Christaller German developed models of hierarquizao of the markets and the retailing.