Daily Archives: July 21, 2017

North America

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It enjoys of an irresistible power, one ' ' great prestgiodentro of the seita. Either for its ideas or the work ' ' dedicado' ' in the protection to all; aluso to ' ' primitive father of horda' '. In this case the leadership of L would be of the acquired and purely artificial type. It would incapacitate what it of the question of leadership of the personal type, it would be the fact not to have been corrupted for the important losses for which the original seita passed in year 1977. In this occasion the prophecy of Branham was not marked, therefore the world did not finish. What if it could wait would be the consequent esvaziamento of the doctrine in same it; what it occurred in the North America. However L innovated, it patched the doctrine and it revigorated presenting it proper it, and alone it, as the basic guide, the alive voice of the seventh angel.

The way them individuals to be dragged for the group also characterizes a device. It follows the beginning of ' ' direct induction of emoo' '. It seems that the probable way is ' ' I infect emocional' ' , the load that if intensifies for mutual interaction, feeding the necessity to be well with the majority. From there the sprouting of the fear is justified, of ' ' distrust of the danger of oposio' ' , very clearly in the rejection to the ones of it are of the seita, to not the fidiciary offices, impure as it affirms L, and even though to its next relatives. He would be then ' ' removal of inibies' '? Something visible in the assented isolation it group in such a way in the old and precarious urban headquarters as in the provincial small farm. ' ' sugesto' ' it would be present in the unquestioned acceptance of the pregaes of L? It is possible, since the doctrine follows exactly firm without the fulfilment of no apocalyptic prophecy.