Daily Archives: December 29, 2017

Credit Cards In The United States OUT, Debit Cards IN

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Debit cards are a serious competitor for the U.S. credit card market with smaller acquisitions in the range up to about 100 euro German consumers rarely use a credit card. According to the German Federal Bank, only 15 percent of Germans use the convenient plastic card for these payments. Lower falls this share of the total beyond the 500-euro limit, here there are only four per cent of payments that can be made with credit cards. While German consumers continue to prefer rely on wire transfers, cash and debit card, has the credit card in the United States the party can gain a solid foundation.

Annual growth of 20 percent or more were not uncommon. But the success of the cards seems increasingly to crumble too high reputational damage fees for credit card issuers. For two reasons. On the one hand, there are the increasing fees and interest rates charged by the credit card companies, although the recession currently already weighed considerably on the households. With this behavior you scratch Provider from the perspective of industry experts mainly on themselves. In particular the number of so-called debit cards now rises significantly on the American market. These loyalty cards prevailed more and more just in the past few years, because they come out without the sometime almost unmanageable costs for consumers and control over own expenditure for the cardholder is maintained through their special format.

Especially the last five years could the debit cards serious gain in importance in the United States. The former top growth rates in the normal credit cards are now more likely to find in this area. And the forecasts go clearly increase the demand and need for the customer cards are in the current economic mood. Now they make a stunning 58 percent share on the total amount of U.S. money transactions. The remaining 42 percent go to the account of the classic credit cards. Capital act as a cause of the current interest rate usury”? Another argument for the Debit cards as a competitor for the credit cards can be measured on the basis of the new law for the protection of credit card users. Obtaining one or even more credit cards used even for low-paid workers was not the slightest problem, the provider become far more sensitive to make sure they concede a card to who. And also the credit line be inserted much more closely than in the past. That may require the providers currently as usual or cooking plated on a wider scale claims for interest and fees, is lies in the fact that the so-called capital Act of Government Obama attacks until 2010 as law. And until then, the credit card companies try to make of course as much as possible to its customers. Usually on the grounds that the economic crisis significantly burden the company and the cost of loans had risen significantly. The debit cards, which are expected to put important can benefit from all these factors mainly once more. Published by: kreditkarten.NET Ralph patrons, editors