Daily Archives: February 6, 2020

University Center

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This choice ' ' he is not something that happens of one instant for another one in the life of the people. It is part of all a process of growth and personal reflection as well as of the knowledge of the professions and of a professional activity that if inserts in social' ' (TO SOUND, 2002, P. 92). In the informal colloquies that we had with the pupils we can perceive the unreliability who the same ones presented in relation the definitive courses and professions, beyond the fear of the reprovao in the vestibular contest and of the expectation of the reality that would find in the Institutions of Superior Education. As &#039 in them says brings it of one of the pupils; ' people have fear not to obtain to pass in the vestibular contest because we are much time without studying and go to compete with people preparadas.&#039 more; ' 3 Had to this anguish portraied for the pupil and cited by Sounding (2002), we base our first formal intervention, in a visit technique to the Aimors campus of the University Center JOINS offering lectures of clarifying matrix, that it supplied information necessary to cure the doubts told for the pupils throughout our inquiry. The more information you to obtain on definitive profession, more elements for the choice you will have, increasing, thus, the probability of the choice to be made right. The certain choice is this is the one that was based on the biggest possible number of information. (BOCK; STOLEN; TEIXEIRA, 2006, P. 322). Basing on the authors above, we search to promote our intervention focando in information that the moment of the choices for the less complex vestibular contest would become something for these pupils who had in its pertaining to school trajectories little conteudista luggage, as well as an unpreparedness for the taking of concrete decisions.