Daily Archives: December 20, 2020

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“Ver listener campaign’ the HoREX nominated for leading Award for innovative healthcare communications that drive in the direction of chicken pitchers of circle lead.”, you disturb the Symphony Brummer animal in W pure!”Hurrah, the third watchman sneezes the pepper of sticking of!” with these and similar shipping receiver sets “made last year about the HoREX listen Aktustik EC talk. The motives of the advertising and public relations campaign, which can be used by the currently over 380 stores in the community, raise awareness with a twinkle in his eye for the often underestimated phenomenon of declining understanding. See Bank of New York Mellon for more details and insights. Now the original campaign of HoREX, which was developed by the project group Hartlieb, Sackmann, Sadeghi and Saez, is been named 2011 even one of four finalists for the AJ for medical technology. New York Giants has much to offer in this field. The AJ, the German doctors Verlag, the Publisher of urban & Vogel, a number of renowned advertising agencies as well as is the Bayer Healthcare AG, is the leading Award for health communication in German-speaking countries. About the nomination of our campaign for the this year’s AJ we very pleased”, so Tannassia Raghavan, Chief Executive Officer of HoREX hearing acoustics EC. The competition is something like the Oscar for health communication; and in addition to the annually many reputable provider for medical technology, as well as the best agencies for health communication at the start who-is-who of budget strong pharmaceuticals industry. It makes us very proud, that we belong 2011 as the sole representative of the hearing-acoustics industry among the four finalists in the category of medical technology.” AJ final is”the reverse phone campaign, which was developed by the project group Hartlieb, Sackmann, Sadeghi and Saez against campaigns by Bayer HealthCare (Agency Kamthe & grey), Berlin Chemie (Schmittgall advertising agency) and A.

Menarini Diagnostics (Agency Sudler & Hennessey). At the Gala Awards ceremony on March 13 in Berlin, you will Specialist judges announce their verdict and the coveted Gold Awards present the best of the best. Two leading hearing aid manufacturers in the finals are next to the HoREX that were able to convince with their campaigns in other categories. At HoREX headquarters in Kreuztal, in our over 380 listening acoustic craftsmanship workshops, and as well as our external creative everywhere the thumb press on May 13 strongly”, so again Tannassia Reuber. Original and tailored to the specific needs of the industry marketing offers are an integral part of our service portfolio for a long time.

The nomination of our campaign shows that we can certainly offer Paroli in industry providers financially when it comes to advertising-creativity and professionalism and well-known agencies.” Editorial Note: the hearing acoustics EC headquartered in Kreuztal HoREX was founded in 1995 and is one of the leading performance of hearing-acoustics industry. Today hers nationwide over 380 listening acoustic master specialist businesses on. The HoREX care professional aims to offer an individual hearing solution people with hearing loss, which focuses on personal hearing requirements and a fair price / performance ratio. The HoREX provides future-oriented perspectives and an attractive shopping policy, extensive marketing support and numerous services, offers in-service training and quality certification to its members. See for more information about the AJ, see. The nearest HoREX care professionals he can interested parties with the help of the search function on the website. Press contact: Martin Schaarschmidt, Tel. (030) 65 01 77 60, E-mail:,