Category Archives: General

Fountain – From The Stone Age Until Today

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Garden fountains – fountain source of recreation and relaxation history of fountain fountain originally served the vital drinking water production and supply. The oldest fountains go back to the stone age. At the time began as the man to settle down, caused countless such drinking water plants. Time and again, old fountains are found and are true treasure troves for archaeologists, because in them, many now historically significant for us things were lost. Not infrequently, things were preserved by deposited layers of sediment and thus completion of oxygen over the centuries.

Old pieces of pottery, jewelry and other commodities are invaluable sources of historical knowledge far past periods. But also the water layer helps that organics have been preserved, otherwise long would rot. Findings from animal and plant remains give conclusions on the former flora and fauna in this area. The recently recovered well from oak wood on the edge of the Brown coal open-cast mine Hambach in North Rhine-Westphalia with an age of about 7100 and 15 metres deep, the deepest from the stone age is originating well of Europe, discovered. The simple simple image of the fountain more and more towards the aesthetic evolved in the course of time. Fountain at the center of social life were from antiquity, through the middle ages to modern times. So, was considered in the middle ages the urban market fountain or the village fountain ornament and begat by the wealth of cities and municipalities.

Fountains were used not only for extracting pure water, but were increasingly becoming the ornamental fountain with love to detail. In the Renaissance, Baroque and Rococo such ornamental fountains and water games with lavish decoration reached its zenith. Large magnificent gardens created, where water played a special role. Renowned sculptor created huge works and realized their skills in countless fountains of the garden and parks. The garden fountains in more recent times fountain not only in parks are today and other public spaces to find. Increasingly also become a design element in private gardens fountain. With a garden fountain, it enhances his home and creates a harmonious ambience. Garden fountain stone, whose forms, sizes ranging from small and simple to large and expressive are very popular. Natural stone fountains are special design elements which draw everyone’s attention by her charisma and increase well-being in the garden. This well carved out of natural stones have to be made despite the current technological possibilities of stone still always mostly handmade. Just this craftsmanship makes each fountain and thus unique. Garden fountains are today made from different rocks. On the market you will find stone fountain mainly from granite, but also from basalt, sandstone or marble. Obtained by the enormous resistance to weathering of different rocks against aggressive environmental influences, a product that according to human standards has an almost unlimited life time. Ornamental fountains are offered with the corresponding holes for direct connection to a water supply and sewage or circulation system with a pump. Also the forms leave nothing more to be desired at the customer. Whether round, four or six. Each can be found in the rich offer. No matter, for which variant you choose. A fountain is an appreciation for the garden in any case, creates an idyllic atmosphere and is a place of sensuality and calm.

Best Niche Market

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Your you exploit what you like and you can do! For example, any sport that you practice, your hobby, or any specific topic that you passionate about, either.Or if you’re a company that sells products or services to a particular segment of people. In both cases you must identify which is your niche market on the internet and choose (better known as keywords) keywords that best describe your market and niche. The process to identify your niche market is as follows: define marcro market divide into niches divide niches in micro niche choose a single micro niche determine keywords search products to promote exemplify a little: define framework market goal: for example, that your you are a musician and you play the guitar, then your market macro is the music. Divide it into niches and then into Micro niches: inside the music we have thousands of niches and micro niches. To leave you must choose one and only one, then you are going to grow with other niches. Your niche can be for example: batteries, keyboards, bass, singing, Guitars, etc etc etc. Choose a niche: as what we do is play guitar, we choose that niche, that whether we like it or we arrange more.

Determine the key words: this part is very important, it is key. It will determine the success or failure of your business. We must have some factors into consideration to choose your keywords with tweezers. It can be an example: how guitar, how to play guitar electric, techniques for playing guitar, etc etc. There are many keywords that we can choose and such is the importance of this party that I have prepared a special tutorial video to show you exactly how it is done and that considerations must have at the time of this step. Search products winners: this part is also crucial for the success of our strategy, therefore I have also prepared a video tutorial so that you know exactly how to do, so you know where to look products and are the indexes in that you must set to choose the products that you are going to promote original author and source of the article

United States

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Four bases of launching are in operation in the Chinese territory: the Centers of Launchings of Satellite of Jiuquan (of where the manned missions had broken all), Xichang, Taiyuan and Wenchang, all subordinate to the CNSA (SPACEDAILY, 2010). SIMILARITIES WITH THE SPACE PROGRAM RUSSIAN the target of the Chinese space program presents great similarities with the Russian space program, over all of the initial time of this, as much in systems as in methodology. As it happened in the first years of the Soviet space program, the first chosen Chinese to go up to the space are, not only military, but you officiate of the Air Force (SPACEFACTS, 2010a, 2010b and 2010e). Ademais, even so the Chinese space program is declared pacific, the management happens in military scope, as in the Soviet space program (WALNUT, 2005). This is the main factor so that, as well as in the case of Russia, it has a concern in launching satellites of espionage, whose purpose is the attainment of images of the terrestrial surface, over all of considered nations enemy. In this particular o it programs space Chinese in common presents something also with the United States, Germany, Anger, Israel, among others (BROWN, 2008).

In 2008 China blew up one of its proper ones satellites, using for this one sets placed in orbit. It was an episode where the concern of China in testing a weapon in the space was clear, although officially to place itself against the militarization of the space as participant of treated against the proliferation to weapons in orbit (BROWN, 2008). But also some similarity with the Russian space program is observed here. In the reality, although to make question to affirm public that they were pacifist in terms of space exploration, the Russians? as well as the North Americans? , in some occasions they had carried through military experiences in orbit.

Brazilian Bourgeois

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Werneck Sodr initiates its analysis, looking for to focar the Brazilian bourgeoisie; with a theoretical quarrel, it searchs to point the difficulty in if thinking Brazil of original and efficient form. Sodr considers that the main difficulty for the study of the Brazilian bourgeoisie is conceptual. Therefore the concepts appear at times and definitive places and are inadequate have other times, places, other histories. Sodr affirms that while will not have new concepts, the use of the old ones becomes necessary, but it points the necessity of new concepts, for the knowledge of differentiated realities. Therefore in its history of the bourgeoisie it looks for to make a conceptual quarrel that distinguished the job from the marxist concepts in differentiated realities. In its considered book pioneering, it admits the existence of imperfections, however it searchs to make an interpretation, therefore its desire was to know the paper of the national bourgeoisie in the Brazilian revolution; a scientific study and increase time directed toward the changes of Brazil. When working the discovery of Brazil, it it points out in the context of transistion of the feudalismo to the capitalism in the Europe. The production relations still were predominantly feudal; although it had to transform.

Sodr affirms that &#039 was one; ' feudal society that discovered the Brasil' '. In Brazil the way of escravista production predominated; a specific, modern escravismo and not-classic. Thus we notice a colonial expansion daily pay-capitalist coexisting with the feudalismo; a relation of feudal production that had coexisted and occurred to the escravismo. In 1945 the history of Brazil will suffer to radicals reinterpretaes in some trends. The predominant subject was to the changes, the transistion of the society based on the agrarian capitalism for the society based on the industrial capitalism and the characterized Brazilian revolution as bourgeois. An analysis of interpretation of Brazil after II the War, the fall of Vargas, the ascension of the Ussr and the United States.

The Property

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Already the extinction of the thing and the dispossession are involuntary ways, that is, the proprietor loses the thing for other people’s reasons the will of it. Let us see what it interests in them: LOSS OF THE PROPERTY FOR EXTINCTION: Leaving of estimated that it does not have possibility to exist a Right that does not fall again into an object is applied here the principle of the Roman law? Inexisting the object, the Right inexists. That is, the basic requirement to understand the loss of the property for extinction is the entailing of the Right to the object. In the case of loss of the property for extinction of the thing, we can speak in decurrent extinction of involuntary if resultant act of natural events as earthquakes, rays, fires, or decurrent of voluntary acts as the destruction. Partial extinction: The term most correct when speaking of partial extinction would be Deterioration, that is the same that reduction of the property.

As deterioration example, we can think about a proprietor of a reproductive ox, that is movables, from the moment that the ox not to reproduce more, we consider the deterioration of the thing, therefore it does not lose the thing entire, and alone a quality of the thing. If the ox died, would be extinction of the thing. The total Extinction is loss cause, irreparable loss and definitive of the property, that happens for climatic events, as we speak above, avalanches, earthquakes, tsunamis and etc. We can cite the example of a proprietor of an island and this is shrunk, that is, taken for the sea, thus making it to disappear and its proprietor to lose the power that had on it. We conclude then, the property right falls again on some thing, some good, and inexisting the object, the right inexists that had on it.

Damage Continues To Spying And Wiretapping In The German Economy.

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Privacy protection Listen defense becomes more important for German companies. A loss of eight billion euros, according to estimates by experts, resulting the German economic espionage and economic crime annually. This not only large companies but mainly small and medium-sized businesses are affected, as a study determined the corporate trust. The espionage methods are as varied as the stricken company. If you would like to know more then you should visit New York Museums. From design through trash cans, disloyal employees, illegal email forwarding, to sophisticated eavesdropping technology. The companies face many helpless a spying.

The usage of own security experts is expensive and only a few company reality. Professional help offers here, specialising in economic crime investigation agency Lentz. “Our clients are companies that we support in finding sustainable illegal interception systems, for lay people is almost impossible” so George Fleischmann, certified detective (ZAD) “and head of the special team monitoring protection” at the Detektei Lentz. Also preventive measures to prevent among other things the installation of protection mechanisms to listening to or reading of data traffic as well as a comprehensive advice to the scope of the detective agency. Just nice dealing with Wi-Fi or Bluetooth offer a great spy potential connections, wireless keyboards, and mobile phones”, George Fleischmann next. The technical Lauschmittel are getting smaller and smaller, more powerful and less expensive. So there is pretty much everything remembered years ago to a Hollywood-style agent facilities by mini transmitters in rice grain size, Super microphones, recorders in pens of directional antennas.

The listening methods are so individual, so targeted the countermeasures are required. Most of the attacks are detected but not at all or too late. The detective agency Lentz offers a comprehensive insight on their new topical microsite on the Internet at in their services, as well as a Check list to monitor security and listening counter. If you have questions you can contact us: Detective Agency Lentz Lentz Ltd. & co. KG Christina Egerer Mainzer detective Highway 47 D-60329 Frankfurt am Main t. 0800-8833311 (freecall) F. 0800-8833312 (freefax) which was economic detective agency Lentz already established in 1996 and specializes in only the professional implementation of observation in the domestic and foreign. The services include investigations in the area of economic crime and private orders. All detectives working framework and ZAD are tested, or are in training for a certified detective (ZAD). The clients include leading German and international companies and law firms. The detective agency is a member of the German-American Chamber of Commerce and the Association of international global private investigators e.V. The economic investigation agency Lentz is one of six TuV certified investigators in Germany and is subject to monitoring and control with regard to the quality of this permanent the performance in the detective Department. Company’s own offices maintained abroad, for example in Barcelona, London and New York.

Simplicity Strong

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No cock-jumping or overly elegant attacks: a diverts our attention from the main task – to escape death and, if necessary, kill the enemy. Fencing – is primarily a practical thing. Danny Meyer understands that this is vital information. " With all the simplicity of the technical elements of the implementation of certain actions requires absolute automatism. With this many times increases the rate of assessment of the situation and decision. Brain as a supercomputer calculates the options in a dynamic situation. Though struggle against the backdrop of a strong nervous excitement caused by the peril of his life. Each bug has its price. If you play a game of chess – a figure, if the football – is missing the ball, if you lead the fight for bladed weapons – a wound or (and) death.

"Fencing – an exact science, higher mathematics, the sum of certain terms invariably leads to the same result: victory or defeat, life or death … you comprehend integrated system and one day, protecting the homeland or your own honor, will be able to evaluate it fully. I do not care what the people: strong or weak, elegant, or untidy, ill or perfectly healthy … The important thing: a dagger in hand, he must feel absolutely superiority over any enemy. " Of course, today less important question is not worth it. Legal standards of contemporary morality and the available weapons give us the other rights and opportunities. We think and act differently, looking forward to new values, look at life at a comfortable angle.

Republic Argentina Policy

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The field again in Argentina 1 September 2009 which nearby Argentina from Brazil and Uruguay! In reality it is not so close, only it is it in geographical terms as seen from the point of view of agricultural policy, a chasm separates it from these countries. Last Friday, the Argentine countryside began a new strike. And tractors are no longer on the large tracts of land but on the sides of the routes in the country. Sincerely I already lost count on the number of stops that the sector took place during the Presidency of Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner. Do attempts to destabilize the Government? do insatiable sector attitude? The protest is certainly against the lack of a serious policy for the field, but it is also a reaction to the inability of the representatives of the people. Since the power of legislative branch a few days ago passed a law which had the suspension of withholdings to agricultural exports in the affected municipalities of the province of Buenos Aires by the drought.

What is alarming case is the reason for the adoption of the law was: that was not read by legislators! Since the Government is not understood yet the damage that bad agricultural policy has generated him to the economy because it not only affects the sector itself but has also impacted the rest of the economic sectors of the country. What started is much more than a protest, and a cry against the contempt for the interior as a whole. A gradual process that takes all what was done is last year and that it will point to reach December with a strong mobilisation to shout strong against the vetocracia were coming, said the President’s agrarian Federation (FAA), Eduardo Buzzi, through a press release. _ Where are global finance? Horacio will it us in successive articles for Latinforme journal, since since yesterday it is participating in the Monetary Conference of the BCRA, and tomorrow will take us all the details about this important meeting with relevant economists and global financiers such as Martin Redrado (President of the Banco Central of the Republic Argentina), Robert Merton (Professor of finance, Harvard University and Nobel Prize in economics 1997), Fernando Jose De Gregorio (Governor of the Banco Central de Chile), Richard Berner (Director Ejecutivo de Morgan Stanley), Olivier Blanchard (Director of economic research for the International Monetary Fund)Jose Dario Uribe (President of the Central Bank of Colombia) that touch topics such as effects of the crisis and the different responses of economic policy in emerging and developed economies lessons from the crisis of the 1930s and other episodes, Genesis of the crisis and emergence of new instruments to tackle it, the duration of the crisis and its implications for emerging economies, among others. Details can be found by clicking Bill de Blasio or emailing the administrator.

Great Opportunities

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Last minute rest places for students learn the summer facing the door and all students who have planned still no holiday camps, or the holiday with the family, have a big advantage: last minute offers for the summer. Language courses are particularly useful and at the same time totally exciting for the summer holidays. There one can improve his English for the school, for example, have a lot of fun at the same time and meet many new people. The language travel provider Sprachdirekt offers still last remaining places for language courses England, Malta and the United States. Especially Malta is very popular because of the great weather in the summer and since Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie on the island stay there to make Brad’s latest film the country to an attraction is richer.

The Suddeutsche Zeitung is currently also a recommendation for the Mediterranean island as a travel destination. Read more here… A language for students convinced for several reasons: School offers foreign languages often not sufficient, to be prepared for the study or training, and the schools can also not individually respond to each student. Therefore, students learn are a very good supplement for many. With English language students travel to London, Bournemouth or Brighton students can from 12 to 17 years expand their grammar and their vocabulary and at the same time get to know the English way of life. The foreign language schools, which mostly family run, it attaches particular importance to liquid and confident dealing with the English language. This involves the teachers always the four cornerstones of language learning: listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Also in the United States, there are some of the world’s finest English language courses for students. In schools, on the West and east coasts, prevail the highest standards both the educational as the organisational goes on. The partner schools of Sprachdirekt is located in San Francisco, Boston and New York City. A language is not only a wise investment in the future of the child will such students newly won stay deep in the memory a trip primarily because of new impressions and the able.

Antonio Silva

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That cannot be good. The number of prospective buyers in their area of distribution is not unlimited, and talk is quickly, that the service in your system is not great. The quality of the sale is also, if you manage to retain the customers in the long term. Show the customer that you are interested in not his money, it’s a long-lasting partnership. Ask again and again to his liking. The customer has new needs, and you satisfy this. He has no new requirements, and they call them. So keep even your customers, if the customers from the competition systems are migrated.

Or if competition systems try to poach your customers. 8 try to inspire you not only your contract partner, but also his girlfriend or wife. Do you know the main reason why many customers leave after a short time the sports complex? Because the partner (boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse) is dissatisfied, if your customer is regularly trained in the system and the partner Meanwhile bored sitting at home. You remedy: invite the customer partner to sample training – and offer a significantly lower spouse fare (half price) for the partner or spouse. So this and your customer is satisfied at the same time, and they started pardon, two customers – equal to two fly – in one fell swoop. 9. use the satisfaction of customers to attract more customers. Perhaps check out New York Museums for more information. How to to attract customers, but spend no money? The recipe is: customers refer customers.

Initially the customer is still without tuition”for you to do. You need help later. How best to make this: => customers customers => advertising, Word of mouth 10 advertising test you again and again, whether the customer is satisfied. He is not, imagine the reason his dissatisfaction AB. It is a widespread disease in Germany: the store remains empty, and the owners do not know why. Because hardly anyone complained in Germany. But not talking about your business. That’s why: Ask your customers regularly, what they like or don’t like. If you have a club news or magazine, you should print off these survey results or twice a year by post send these results the customer – even if customers complain about a few things. The customer as a key member of the plant (Club feeling) feels like and it strengthens his faith in the equipment performance. In addition information about defects or suggestions that you can solve with little money to the satisfaction of the customer (for example, the establishment of woman parking). So sell fun your customer potential with enthusiasm and behaviors develop passion and individual characteristics of your customers understand more fun in dealing with your customers feel. Antonio Silva