Great Years


As if it knows, it chose, then, the pretense date of the presumption birth of J Christ. Exguo started to confection the calendar. As of custom, it was based on the Juliano Calendar. Through calculations, 754AUC retroacted to the year (46Juliano), date that, ' ' its criterion, ' ' year of the presumption found for good to fix it as the flaunter birth of J Christ. Thus, it established the year 1 of 1 century. It adopted chronology of decreasing counting for the years that if had passed previously to that landmark (year 1), assigning them to years ' ' before the Age Crist' ' (EC); e, to the posterior years, of that landmark in ahead, increasing dating, assigning them years of ' ' It was Crist' ' (EC). It officialized definitively, the also fictitious one, 25 of December as Christmas day of the Christ (relegating definitively to the end different the pretense dates: 06 of January, 28 of March and 19 of April, commemorated for Christian populations of different regions of the Roman Empire). Thus, legalizing, just-established Christian Age.

It elaborated and it introduced a table with dates of Christian Passover for implantation in elapsing of the years. Soon, here it is the Christian Calendar. Monge is not more here to defend itself, who could make it subtle attacks; clearly, in favor of the portion biggest, that is, the religion that proper it contributed in the construction. The Calendar is certain, Dionsio did not errou. Erra yes, who condemns demonstrating false or little knowledge in the subject, and worse, who acts with attitude propositada in the attempt of ' ' desqualificar' ' the work of monge mathematician, insisting on the false error, affirming that the Christian Age would have to start in previous date for settled it. Without commenting citations of the absurd influence for ' ' not knowledge of the zero, ' ' on the part of Greeks and Romans, pointed as cause of ' ' justification complementar' ' of the hints of ' ' erro.' ' However, the reason is not known that took Exguo not to consider ' ' crena' ' of that the birth of J Christ if it passes, according to Mateus, when Herodes (the Great one) still was alive, however, the setting of the such date of birth 4 years after its death, later, became inconvenient for the Church.