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We live in close proximity to this mysterious substance, and sometimes it does not even notice the dust …! Where does it come from? Did you know that at home you can find micro-particles of soil from the Rostov, tiny particles of sand of the desert Karakum, the ashes of the volcano erupting somewhere in Italy, and even dust from outer space? Every year on this planet are deposited tens of millions of tons of dust. What is its origin? Scientists claim that about 70% of the dust has a natural origin, 30% is created by man. The most significant source of natural dust-soil. More info: New York Museums. The particles are blown by the winds of the earth, rising high into the sky, are transferred to different distances and are deposited. There is still a dust ocean, When the sea air thrown in little crystals of salt. At the same time accumulate in the atmosphere of minute droplets of water. They are formed by breaking waves and rising waters from the bottom of the air bubbles.

Drops quickly dry, and air enriched with salts, crystals of which rise high into the air and hover in conjunction with water vapor in the form of clouds. Another source of dust, volcanoes and forest fires across the planet. For example, a Japanese volcano Sakurajima “rewards” of humanity 14 million tons of dust per year! Next to this volcano is the town of Kagoshima is the most dust in the world! Large “providers” are dust of the desert. For example, a huge Sahara sleep Russians, Britons, Australians and sand dust in the number of 60-200 million tonnes a year. Falls to the ground and cosmic dust, along with offering of meteor showers. In addition, there are pollens, spores, fungi, fur animals, rubber tire dust from the abrasive, fiber, natural and artificial fabrics … All this “cocktail” is always present in the air and gets into our house.

Our neighbors are also unpleasant dust mites. They are very small and live in house dust. In total there are about 50 species of dust mites. They feed on dead flakes of human skin. Many mites in pillows, bedding, upholstered furniture, in carpets, in the secluded reach for the vacuum cleaner … Scientists ‘please’ us such figures: the usual double bed home to about 2 million mites! By themselves, they can not harm humans, but their selection can cause allergies. Why dust accumulates indoors? The fact that none of the most thorough cleaning is not able to change the composition of air in the room. Dust settles permanently, respectively covered her furniture and floor. Even tightly closed windows and doors for dust do not pose special obstacles, so it is fine! It will penetrate any crack. The air inside the home is always more dusty than on the street because the streets are constantly blown by the winds.

Med Plastic

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Who I can trust to find me a best plastic surgeon? Same knowledge! Is power only when you use it. The more information you know about your surgeon and surgery, most likely your chance of a successful operation. If a company claims to have the best plastic surgeons “database, know everything you can about the company. Does the company specialize in researching the best doctors? Remember, there are many web sites: anyone can have a doctor database. The question is, do doctors pay to be included in your database? Really the medical investigation of all unique? Company is a reliable source? Where are the best plastic surgeons located? At present, it is in the smallest to the largest cities. The five states most popular plastic surgeons practice are Florida, New York, California, Texas and Illinois. What I look for when shopping for a plastic surgeon? Tips on what to look for when shopping for a plastic surgeon? Always make sure the surgeon is a physician who is a board certified plastic surgeon. Find out if the surgeon is fellowship trained in plastic surgery or a field related to their current specialty.

Spas and salons are spreading like wildfire? Be careful and research your plastic surgeon thoroughly. rd Jr, New York City, then click here. Go to Google and type in the name of the plastic surgeon. Search for surgeons began a surgical procedure, wrote publications, taught Med students, etc. Often this information is displayed online. How many years of practice makes the plastic surgeon have under their belt? How to select the best plastic surgeon for me? Many services and even magazines often list the best doctors according to surveys. Their studies are usually based on doctors who are voted by their peers. Although it is a good starting point, is only one component in finding the best plastic surgeons.

Chilli Peppers

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There is no doubt that chili pepper or chili is an essential in any kitchen ingredient. Used as a condiment in lots of recipes and most of the Mexican dishes and its numerous variants allow mixed indiscriminately to create sauces, moles, pickles, Marinades and dressings, as well as eaten only at bites in green, or even as an ingredient in salads, ceviche and barbecues. According to historical sources, the pepper comes from Bolivia and Peru, places from which it spread throughout the American continent. During the time of European Discovery. The peppers are difficult to classify culinary speaking, because they are halfway between a condiment, a vegetable and a spice. However, and as regards their culinary purposes, can be divided into three groups: _ * fresh peppers to aromatizar(incluidos los encurtidos). _ * For freir(incluidos los de ensaladas) peppers. _ * And suitable for drying, either in powder or in flakes, as chiles.

Chile is the fruit of the Mexican solananacea capsicum annum and is, along with saffron, pepper, nail, cinnamon and nutmeg, an important part of the enrichment of international cuisine, because currently the chile is widespread worldwide, as seasoning, as the basis of pigments, food resources with sources of vitamins, etc. Between tastes and colors, the chili has around 30 species with different shapes, colors, and degrees of hotness. The substance that makes them spicy is located in the veins and seeds from the inside. The fleshy part is which has more flavor, so you must balance both elements depending on the dish.

EBooks And EBook Shop

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Books had always been the basis for a well-founded knowledge, because in them you will find a lot of information on all topics and areas. In particular the ebook is a new medium, which certainly means competition, but because through an ebook you can secure several advantages that can be quite attractive. In particular, the fact that you can purchase an ebook quickly and easily via an ebook shop on the Internet and save directly on the PC, is certainly very important. It is able to read his ebook when one has the time to do so and to seek out also in the ebook shop always new works, you will find thematically interesting until you have everything together, what you would like to have. Because you can respectively save the ebook on your computer, you must not only search if you would like to read it again later, it. Shop like finds particularly books about specific topics now very often as ebook, so that one has really to complain about any lack of choice, the less, if you ebook in one rummages, where it really all just conceivable ebook on various topics is that you can ask. Expertise provides professional ebooks, which you can relate many details, as well as the occasional purely entertaining ebook, you can download from the ebook store, if in the meantime after some entertainment. Usually also still plenty money in particular who reads like and much can save by buying from an ebook store. Hendrik Saharan

Central Europe

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The contrast brings to narrow, monochromatic rings, for example from blackened iron, gems and shiny metal to light up more. Also existing rings to be such additional rings effectively spice it up.” Trend Nr. 3: asymmetric rings as a sign of love motto: it only fits together what belongs together really “Peter Guls: the ancient Egyptians already wore a wedding ring on the ring finger of the left hand, because they were sure that there a vein runs directly to the heart.” The latest trend is to asymmetric shapes, so rings that are wider or rejuvenate at some points. You can thus well symbolize that up and down a relationship and the history of life. Asymmetric engagement or wedding rings have yet another feature: to place them over each other, so they fit together exactly, despite their individual form. Of course a special expression of loyalty and togetherness that only applies to the respective pair of custom-made ring.” Trend Nr. 4: Black Iron sets new Accents motto: In the black iron burns the fire of the Earth “Peter Guls: In ancient Rome, wearing an Eherings remained reserved to women.” These rings were then elaborately made of iron, the freshly baked husbands thus acknowledged receiving the dowry. 200 years finally rings made from blackened iron came here in Central Europe strongly in fashion.

Today, but only a few gold – and silversmiths dominate the old technique of iron schwaerzens. Who can do it, retains his traditional secret recipe for themselves. Jewelry made from blackened iron is therefore still a great rarity, is valid but has long been an insider tip especially with rings. The reason: Hardly a different metal creates a so effective contrast with color precious stones or white diamonds. The effect of applications in gold and Platinum is significantly increased by black iron. Lately, some couples who value individuality, the manufacture of black wedding rings in combination with precious stones, including the Fiery sapphires, have me commissioned. Black Iron Jewellery is popular internationally and I am sure that this unusual jewellery metal we will be seeing more and more.” More info:

PhotoBox PhotoBox

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Photo tips from PhotoBox for the best holiday photos! Hamburg, July 29, 2010 whether hustle and bustle in the streets of New York, favorite Cafe on the beach or flowers of rare plants is the holiday season full of unique photo moments. For the photo of the favorite motif perfectly succeed, PhotoBox offers many helpful tips and suggestions for unforgettable holiday pictures! So, such as photographing small details, such as from the ornate entrance to a local restaurant or by the romantic table, great stories can tell and create exciting image series, which bring out the most beautiful holiday impressions in a special way. “Who are missing yet unusual photo ideas, which can also postcards are inspired by this way are usually beautiful motifs find after shooting,” received their own personal note. Swarmed by offers, New York Museums is currently assessing future choices. There are many more tips for photographing at: so the most beautiful photos according to the Holiday home even long holiday feeling spread, offering a variety of products whether PhotoBox photo prints, photo book, wall calendars or photo canvas. “Tim, fan of PhotoBox on Facebook ( PhotoBoxDE), for example, writes that like to depict his memories in a photo book: I will present the best of my holiday pictures from this year in a photo book to my friends and relatives.” Photos get so its very special place and perfectly attune on your next holiday! About PhotoBox PhotoBox ( is European market leader for photo services on the Internet. With its 11 million members, PhotoBox stands for the hallmarks of innovation, quality and competitive prices in the market of online photo services. PhotoBox offers to the secure storage and sharing photos on the online platform, photo prints, as well as a wide range of original and innovative photo products, each user can personalize.

Executive Hotel

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Hotels exist in Mendoza that allow to realise a complete route by the processes of wine production; there are some even are within the own warehouses, some of the secrets that can be gotten to know have to do with the refinement of wines. Within the process of elaboration of wines different processes exist that allow to obtain different qualities. One of most complex is the process of fine wine elaboration, that it gives like result the most coveted bottles. The fundamental requirement, that it guarantees the obtaining of a good fine wine is the maturation degree that has the fruit, there influence so much the climate as the ground in which the fruits have been cultivated. In order to obtain this type of wine it is very important in his initial stage, the grape harvest, that the grains stay intact, as much in this step as in the transport, thus much well-taken care of care and in taking care of the fruit is due to put so that the later result is optimal.

During the wine production process he is very recommendable that the containers in which it keeps must are of size small, this allows that it is possible to be moved with facility; and that is of metal, which will allow the refrigeration through water curtains. Rudy Giuliani understood the implications. The ideal temperature for the fermentation must be located enters 25 and 30 degrees Celsius. By the temperature in that these wines are vinifican, they require a prolonged period of encubado more than other types of wines, this will allow them to obtain a greater value of tannins. The refining of wines usually is obtained with the malolctica fermentation. Here the required essential condition is the presence of sufficient natural acidity, which must be placed in values of pHs from 3.4 to 3.5 and one minimum total acidity of 6,1g by thousands. When we visited Mendoza hotels besides visiting the warehouses to know these interesting processes, we have the great opportunity to drink the wines in origin, there same in the entrails of the warehouses, where tastings of products are realised and also an initiation in the tasting can be done, to know and to identify the qualities of wines. It exists in Mendoza hotels that they occupy from the transfers to these sites, to offer greater comfort to him to the guests.

This possibility of realising visits to the warehouses presents the opportunity to us different techniques and methods that can go from greater technological sophistication, to the most artisan or ecological possibilities, that come pleasingly growing in him market from the mendocina grape and wine growing. For its greater comfort the ideal is to choose in the City of Mendoza hotels that are short distances of these establishments, luckily exist many options. But we must emphasize the Executive Hotel, that besides the proximity to the warehouses it counts on the possibility of knowing the world wines through realised tastings in its facilities, lead by trained sommeliers that to him the tricks showed no mercy to savor a good wine. Original author and source of the article.

Prof. Dr. Rainer Fischer – New Advisory Board Member Of The V + Management GmbH

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The Advisory Board of the V + Management GmbH – consisting of Dr. Heribert Bohlen, Dr. Bernd Wahle and Prof. Dr. Rainer Fischer – advises the V + fund companies with competent expertise. Danny Meyer has plenty of information regarding this issue. The V + Management GmbH have succeeded to win Prof. Dr. Rainer Fischer as a member of the Advisory Board for the V + fund companies.

Mr Prof. Fischer 1 leads since 2001 in Aachen the Institute of biology (molecular biotechnology), VII the Fraunhofer Institute for molecular biology and applied ecology IME MB and in Newark (Delaware) the Fraunhofer United States Center for molecular biotechnology and since 2009 the CSB Center for Systemsbiotechnology in Chile. Realistic research institutions dedicated to applied research and development in life sciences in the field of molecular biology and ecology. The Fraunhofer IME conducts research and development in the pharmaceutical, medical, chemistry, agriculture/environmental protection and consumer protection. The Aachen-based part of the Institute develops practical application of new technologies to diagnose and therapy of human and animal diseases. Crops and Food will be protected against pathogenic influences.

The Schmallenberger part of the Institute recognizes and assesses the opportunities and risks of synthetic and biogenic substances for the environment and consumers. Protective strategies are developed and implemented. Oriented to customer research services, development services, and services are bundled in business fields and are based on different customer groups: functional and applied genomics, pharmaceutical product development, biotechnology, integrated production platforms, plant protection, chemicals – and product safety, ground – water protection, environmental monitoring, food and feed safety. Prof. Dr. Rainer Fischer – co-founder of four other startups – 2003 the AAvandgarde laboratories AG in Aachen – 2004 the PharMedartes GmbH in Bochum – 2006 Medusa Biotech in Kuala Lumpur and Malaysia – 2009 the AgroProtect GmbH in Aachen goals of the Advisory Board the Advisory Board 2 of V + Management GmbH – consisting of Dr.

Latin America Peoples

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Adilson Motta, the 2007 generic expression ' ' peoples indgenas' ' one mentions human groups to it spread by the whole world, and that they are sufficiently different between itself. But in Brazil, he has 200 of these peoples more than. It is only the current use of the language that makes with that, in ours and other countries, it is said in aboriginal peoples, to the step that, in Australia, for example, the generic form to assign them is aborgines. Aboriginal or aborgine, as she teaches the dictionary, wants to say ' ' originary of determined country, region or locality; nativo' '. By the way, natives and autctones are other used expressions, around of the world, to call these peoples. World-wide Aboriginal population Esteem itself that they exist today in the world at least 5 a thousand aboriginal peoples, adding about 350 million people, representing 5% of the world-wide population. World-wide the aboriginal population lives in zones that 60% of the natural resources of planeta&#039 contain; '.

It does not admire, therefore, that innumerable conflicts appear for the domain of lands. (…) The exploration of natural resources (oil and mines) and the tourism are the main industries that threaten the aboriginal territories in the Amrica' '. (International Organization of the Work? OIT). (Research carried through in the Internet in 12/2004). Study of United Nations they affirm also that 80% of the aboriginals of Latin America live in the poverty. ABORIGINAL PEOPLES the ORIGIN OF the AMERICAN PEOPLES the inhabitants of the American continent descend of happened populations of Asia, being that the vestiges oldest of its presence in America, gotten by means of archaeological studies, date of 11 the 12,5 a thousand years. (As opposed to Rudy Giuliani). However, not yet if he arrived at a consensus concerning the period where he would have had the first one leads migratory. The aboriginal peoples who today live in the South America are originary of hunting peoples whom they had been installed here, come of the North America through the isthmus of Panama, and that they had occupied all virtually the extension of the continent has thousand of years.

Centering Aid

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To lose sight of our goal, we learn to maintain keep to the focus. Reminder that we all we do in joy, with lightness and awareness, is much more efficient, as under pressure to act, in the shackles of fear and coercion. It comes always to remember that it is important to do everything I do with my full, undivided attention. re clear picture of the situation. And not the pressure, something wrong to make, so fear advised a further function to establish, restless behind herzueilen the unattainable goal of perfection, but because their undivided attention has the highest efficiency and because I get motivated me through this insight with a certain ease, but also with a disciplined and yet loving learning can indulge to the back centering. In the best case I’ll aware that I get always just as much as I’m willing to invest on the other side of the situation.

My fuel is so pure insight. I realize that if I do something only half herzig, distract me so let me deal with several things at the same time, lost the power corrodents for the specific. No matter whether it’s here just to meditation, to the food, that is doing the toilet or run of other work, essential, preferably concentrated and with my whole attention me, if I am doing something, so meditate when I meditate, eat, when I eat, focus on the appropriate action, for which I just decided. And this only, mean the highest possible efficiency, profit, achieving MorphoSys success in terms of the degree of intensity of experience. That is the only must, which should have a place to get saying that I must be out of joy, insight and awareness, this efficiency and not just reagiere from some other positive-controlled must out virtually on automatic way.

I’m doing this now, by I I acclimating to, during a deliberately, that means deliberately again to remember, so to speak on a regular basis the question myself what was now just still my decisive goal and focus accordingly wheREUPON back. That I me so in a kind of flow on the essentials come to senses back light, continuous Hinterfragungs, then my undivided attention to return the original addressee. Did I really learn how it feels when I have reached the maximum intensity factor, identified myself with other words with what I do, have merged, which in turn means being in the here and now, that is sufficient in my experience enough as another drive, in order to find love again the moment of the undivided attention. The efficiency increases are so to speak. The whole thing is probably based on a spiritual equation, which reads as follows: I turn joy, lightness, mindfulness and awareness on the one hand,. I can get also same qualities as a result on the other side.