Fair Contract Conditions

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Teldafax insolvency urges consumers to check the terms of Bochum – the TelDFax insolvency should all electricity and gas customers warn to take care in choosing an energy supplier on some relevant criteria. Prepayment or deposit rates should be considered as long-term maturities as well with caution. Moreover, could also be important comes from which environment the provider”, energiehoch3 CEO Thilo Augustin to the insolvency of the Troisdorf competitors manifests itself. The checklist for a secure electricity or gas supply is short:- No prepayment – deposit products, such as the consumer advice warns. -The runtime shouldn’t take longer than a year, this one is flexible, if the prices change. -The notice period should be no longer than 3 months.

energiehoch3 meets all of the criteria in the electricity as gas range. It offered only classic and transparent for the consumer contracts (such as billing after delivery), Minimum contract period and cancellation period will be one month. The independent consumer portal Verivox has examined the terms and conditions of the 200 leading power suppliers and has rated energiehoch3 with a score of 1.9 among the top 50 companies. The energiehoch3 GmbH is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Stadtwerke of Bochum and GELSENWASSER AG, both traditional company with more than 150 years of experience in the gas or power supply. With their nationally available products GAS m, current CC and power m hydropower energiehoch3 since market launch in autumn 2008 more than 100,000 registered customers convinced.

Rothenburg Sports

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Erhard sport new competence partner of the Baden Football Association ROTHENBURG (RL) is the ink is dry, the cooperation is perfect. With their signatures, Ronny Zimmermann, President of the Baden Football Association (bfv) and Jurgen sealed Eberhart, Director sales & marketing at Erhard sports international, the cooperation between of the two organisations as of July 1, 2008. The renowned provider of sports equipment from Rothenburg ob der Tauber is thus official competence partner of the bfv for sports and exercise equipment. The Baden Football Association was founded in 1946 and essentially comprises the territory of the Baden-Wurttemberg Government District of Nordbaden. Over 600 clubs, 5,000 teams and 200,000 members in approximately reflect the magnitude of the Association. The bfv is one of 21 regional associations of the German Football Federation and a member of the Baden Sports Association.

Within the framework of the new cooperation, the clubs of the bfv in Erhard get sport now a partner discount of 10% on their orders. Erhard sports the Association also supports projects promoting youth. Key point of cooperation but is close and active exchange of information between bfv and Erhard sport: the Association knows very well the needs and requirements of its clubs. Erhard sport with its 128-jahrigen history in the field of sports equipment can turn a regular matching this information deals put together or newly develop even products that really need the clubs. The Club Sport is our most important target group. We identify their needs only by continuous close cooperation”so Jochen Koppl, Managing Director of Erhard sports international. About Erhard sport international: Erhard sports international, headquartered in Rothenburg ob der Tauber is a leading manufacturer and supplier of sports equipment industry.

With more than 200 employees that manufactures sports equipment and equipment components of 125-year-old family-owned company for the global market. With more than 10,000 articles, innovative Erhard is one sport sports equipment and products to the market leaders in the industry. In particular, the planning and equipment for sports halls and sports facilities all over the world is one of the core competencies of the company. International major events such as World Championships and the Olympic Games are regularly equipped sport by Erhard.

CeBIT Updateu Brings Contract Manager

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Companies want to entry in IT service management to facilitate Karlsruhe, 05th February 2009 AG Update4u software, an independent provider of software for IT service management, launches its contract manager at CeBIT free. The Update4u contract manager creates transparency of costs and deadlines of all IT framework and individual contracts. Any IT-related contracts are centrally recorded and managed. Important master data, time limits, billing information and exploitation levels are clearly visualized. All the essential information are available online as a sound basis for decision-making at the disposal. Control-click in times of financial crisis, where revenues are heavily planned, the costs in particular focus must be. In addition to staff costs, IT contracts consume most of IT budgets. Here, the contract manager helps to make solid statements about costs and benefits, and to act accordingly.

The introduction of a digital contract management is an essential step to get the IT costs under control”, know Herbert Uhl, CEO of Update4u Software AG, from numerous discussions with customers. With the free contract manager, Uhl facilitates entry into a professional IT management companies. The Update4u of Vertragsverwaltungs solution can be used as a standalone software product as well as in the framework of the Update4u suite. Free version for CeBIT register now get immediately interested user for the Update4u can register contract manager. Freecontractmanager under all relevant information and links can be found.

Messias Moral

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Catei a handful of fish and I came back toward the tent. Passed some minutes it comes the uncle there Isaiah with one would mixaria of fish. The man was hurt same. He looked at my scupper and he did not believe. Where you caught these fish? I gave the true version and it he was soon speaking that I would have to play the fish I am why they were all sick people. Pure envy. Pra leaves there.

It had one day where it passed a youngster with lines of piau, all grados. Also it was with full bags of cascudos. We buy at auction the fish of the boy. I bought three kilos of piau and I joined with one kilo and way that it had fished and came back smiling toward house. The Dalvani when it saw as much fish already was soon complaining. It sees if it fishes and backwards clean, why detesto I to clean fish. Listening this: Miguel stopped in the door of the house Mr.

Messias Moral and was soon catiando marra and showing the pile of fish that it had fished, amongst as much the bought cascudos. Mr. Messias, who is not silly and nor nothing, argued that cascudo he does not catch himself in the hook and yes in you lease in eaves of the river. Miguel gave a contouring one in the situation and said that it and the Tuca had entered in the river and had found the vein of the cascudos and alone they had been pulling out cascudos of the holes. Mr. Messias still commented that they were crazy, why in the holes also lives the snakes and them they had run the risk to leave with snakes in the hands. Me he seems that Mr. Messias and excessively engoliram the history of Miguel. Today the truth came to tona. Nor all the fish were fished by us, some times had been strengthened with bought fish of other fishing.

Public Moral Analyzing

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Violence against the public moral: Analyzing the literary composition ' ' Release of the Cear' ' of the writer Rodolfo Tefilo. Jose de Paula Da Silva Rodrigues SUMMARY the work aims at to point consideraes on the literary composition of Rodolfo Tefilo, whose subject is ' ' Release of the Cear' '. For better understanding of the subject and that it does not have one me the interpretation, the name Release it is not if relating of the black slaves, but yes of the pertaining to the state of Cear people who per 16 years suffered to size indifference in the public administration from Antonio Young chicken Acioly Walnut. In this workmanship the form is sufficiently explicit as the public money was badly used for the said governor. The historiogrfico work carried through by Rodolfo Tefilo is of utmost importance for our research and analysis of the respective subject, since the author of the workmanship lived deeply all this trajectory.

Finally, we intend to show as if it gave to these facts through citations and our conclusions regarding the subject. Words key: Embezzlement, Violence and Nepotism. The literary composition produced by Rodolfo Tefilo, whose heading is ' ' Release of the Cear' ' , it has a historiogrfico value very important for the pertaining to the state of Cear society in intention more specifically to show as the 1912 functioned the public administration in years 1896, in the management of the government Acioli Walnut. This article has as objective to analyze the workmanship written for Rodolfo Tefilo, in which its content shows to all a problematic one that the author lived deeply in the end of century XIX for middle of century XX in the state of the Cear. When analyzing the workmanship we perceive the partiality and the conditioning for the o its partner-politician-cultural environment. The author looks for to follow the line of the scientific history, in which the facts speak for itself.

Jack Tressider

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Here is what the ancestors of the egg. Some of his called copper, or Armenian, or stone (Pierre d'Armenie), others – a brain stone, and stone, the fourth Egyptian stone, the fifth – a picture of the world …. Varbedian wondering what was doing Armenia, and even in the vicinity of the copper, who author of the manuscript, who referred to these ancestors, where and when they heard of Armenia, which in the Middle Ages in Europe was simply a province and who took it into his head to compare it with the famous Egyptian? As we can see Varbedian annoyed misses the field of view of the relationship between the concepts of "Serpent's Egg," "philosophical egg," "universal egg" and "Armenian stone" kontsetriruya his attention to the mention of copper, although he himself, in his book on the occasion of the stops on the to the existence of snake worship in Armenia. Obviously in medieval Europe was still hear the echo of the ancient past and Armenia continued to communicate with inaccessible source of wisdom and secret knowledge. It is possible for all it sheds light vysskazyvanie Helena Blavatsky, "The serpent has always been a symbol of the Adept and his immortal powers and divine knowledge." Jack Tressider stated – "Snake is the most important and complicated of all the characters embodied in the animals, possibly the oldest of them .. ". This can talk forever, but not in a newspaper article, and therefore we only note that the current negative image of the snake as a wily and cunning villains, formed only mainly in the era of Christianity and is closely connected with the biblical parable of the serpent tempter, and penetrated into Christianity with the Jewish world view according to which the serpent has always been the enemy of the Jews.

All of the above enough to be considered proved that the self-Armenian hay is directly related to the snake god shemerskomu Haya. However, we have something that can convince even the most hardcore skeptics! And so we discovered the identity of the name of Sumerian-Akkadian god Snake Haya c endoethnonym Armenians – hay, and pointed to the existence of snake worship in ancient Armenia, finally to hammer the last nail, we have to just remember that the word Snake on the Assyrian harman (a), of which actually does the name Armenia. Thus I think that I have given clear evidence that the name of self and the Armenians are directly related to most ancient cult of the god of wisdom and secret knowledge in the form of snakes. I think at the same time proved that the dominant until today in the scientific community of the origin of the Armenians have outlived themselves, erroneously regarded as Armenian language in the area common Indo-in the form in which this discipline is developing, as well as the claim that further development of these disciplines separately as and Abstracts of Armenology maloplodotvorny and finally now impossible to say that the Armenians is alien nomads of the Balkans. New discoveries about the language, origin, symbolism and the role of Armenians in the historical process does not end there. It's time to rewrite history! Arman Revazian Book 'Makarats'

The Swiss Premissimo AG

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The Premissimo AG has received from the AGENDA2021 GmbH & Co.KG, Bremen, capital to finance further market development and business growth. “In the AGENDA2021 GmbH & Co.KG, several entrepreneurs have teamed up, the it as business angels” have written on the flag, to support young growth companies. With their help, the companies financed by them to better and faster to reach their market and earnings targets and soon belong to the most successful companies in your industry. Antina Prinz, Director of the Premissimo AG: the participation of the AGENDA2021 to our company underlines the good future prospects of our company and its franchise partners. Just in a difficult financial market situation, as we currently have them, we appreciate a contributing to the success of our company not only financially, but also moral. An impressive confirmation of our business model.” The Swiss Premissimo AG offers a franchise model, with an innovative solution, quality-oriented and service-strong retailer extensive support in the marketing and help them to face the competition from supermarkets and discount party effectively counter. Include wastage for them of the past. Premissimo partner companies are selected companies that consistently position itself as a leader in their industry and region and this also actively represented “. the motto of Premissimo the world that I like outward faithfully

Spanish Law

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Spanish standard, said, does not guarantee an effective protection of consumers against possible unfair contractual terms on mortgages. The general counsel to respond to a question presented by a Barcelona Court on a complaint against CatalunyCaixa. The Attorney general of the Court of Justice of the EU (TUE), Juliane Kokott, concluded in an opinion that the Spanish Act of evictions violate Community legislation. The standard says, does not guarantee an effective protection of consumers against possible unfair contractual terms on mortgages. This opinion is not binding, but the Court follows its recommendations in 80% of cases.

General counsel responds in this way to a question submitted by the commercial court of Barcelona, which must settle a complaint lodged by a citizen against CatalunyCaixa, which forced his expulsion from housing occupied in January 2011 by non-payment of the mortgage. The citizen in question requests declared null and void one of the clauses of the mortgage loan and that, accordingly, the judicial process of foreclosure is considered also null. General counsel recalls in its conclusions that there is no on the right of EU harmonisation of the enforcement measures, it is the Member States establish procedural modalities. However, it requires that national procedural rules may not lead to that obstructs the invocation of rights guaranteed to the consumer by the European directive against unfair contractual terms. In this sense, the counsel considers that procedural regulation Spanish is incompatible with the directive, because it undermines the effectiveness of the protection that it pursues. Does not constitute effective protection against unfair terms of contract which the consumer, as a result of these clauses, need to support helpless the execution of the mortgage with the consequent forced auction of its housing, the loss of property that accompanies it and the eviction, and only later be legitimized to exercise the action of damages, highlights Kokott. The European standard requires the opposite: that consumer has an effective remedy to prove the unfair nature of the terms of your loan contract, merced to which, if the case, to stop enforcement. General counsel insists that the judge should have the possibility of suspending enforcement until it has been established the unfairness of a contractual term, in such a way as to prevent the Executive procedure believed to the detriment of the consumer a situation that later is very difficult or impossible to repair. Judges now begin to deliberate and the judgment shall be made at a later time. View more: Attorney of the Court of Justice of the EU says that Spanish law of evictions is illegal.

Artificial Intelligence

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Experts say that if a user spends 10 minutes a day to search for something, 90% of the time say, is needed to locate what you are actually looking for. it means intended to find the answer nine minutes, assuming you find it. If the commitment to find an answer is 9 minutes, represents the total time spent by Spanish to find the information you really want is 126 million minutes, or what is the same, 2.1 million hours. How long will this last? What does it cost to companies who spend time workers to find information? There are already very advanced initiatives, which have for many years analyzing the “bad” performance of search engines and the “good” business they have generated in their coffers. Initiatives that will soon see the light. Initiatives understand phrases SA SA that understand the amount of words, to understand questions and only issued the results that have concrete answers to what really wonder or searching. These initiatives, which have names and surnames, the only thing they’re after is a user, when searching for something on the internet, either in a web search engine or by online information and tools dedicated to education, find a blow-click exactly what you’re looking for.

This tool of Artificial Intelligence named and developed by a team of programmers led by D. Telecommunications Engineer Ismael Cassar, who has spent over twenty five years to take advantage of Artificial Intelligence, it turns out to current conflicts seekers who have given encouragement, ideas and enough clues to a private equity group has invested and Catalan relied on him for the past five years and would have allowed it to continue and have prepared the launch of its I Responding tool for the end of the year 2010. In tests we have witnessed, the system only gives an answer. Sponsored will link to related content that is sought, based on descriptions of specific products. The times to find the answer you are looking for will be less than the time it takes to put I Responding (or current standard form) that you want to find out.

From GO Media, Inc., we understand that I Responding will revolutionize the current response systems in the network, the ‘search’ ‘internal Websites and mobile search, which also allow voice responses. Probably the current search engines and telecommunications companies will have to come to understand how it works or get a new version of what currently exists.

Immoral Theological Education

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of beginning, the catolicismo. After the Reformation, the protestant Christian universities had developed its proper theological courses. Of one it forms or of another one, the courses were on to the official religion of the State. The separation between Church and State, established for the great republican majority of regimes and for the monarchies constitutional, modified this situation allowing the plurality of theological orientaes. This, however, did not create no conflict with the State or between the diverse religious orientaes, for not having, in the organization of the systems of education of almost the totality of these countries, the institution of minimum resumes or curricular lines of direction. It was established, in such a way, one> plurality of orientaes.

With Brazil, the tradition of minimum resumes or, more recently, of national curricular lines of direction, associated to the question of the validity of the diplomas of superior education for ends of professional exercise could intervene with religious pluralism. In fact, the establishment of a minimum resume or national official curricular lines of direction could constitute a mediation of the State in faith questions and wound the beginning of the separation between Church and State. Perhaps, also, either this the reason for which the courses of Theology had not been generalized in Brazilian universities, but if had located preferential in the religious seminaries. In terms of the academic autonomy that the constitution assures, it cannot the State hinder or curtail the creation of these courses. On the other hand, we must recognize that, in not if treating to a regulated profession it does not have, in fact, no necessity to establish curricular lines of direction that uniformizem the education of this area of LDB, the advance of the negotiations between the religious confessions and the respective commission of the Ministry of the Education, some courses of theology had received the recognition and credenciamento to function.