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Already the independent moral is characterized for the igualitria contribution, where the mutual respect is preponderant factor and where feelings of the good and responsibilities sprout (PIAGET, apud PUIG, 1998). Therefore, the rules are decurrent of a cooperative and dialgico work, what rare the educational one occurs in modern societies that live exhaustingly for the work, without time for the social one and. The anomie, absence of norms or rules, that, according to Piaget, last since the birth until the five or six years of age, do not favor the child to accept that all game or trick and, therefore, all social relation if structure in rules. For Piaget the child, in this phase, needs affection, ternura, affection, understanding of not, the clear limits, the coherence in the affectivity that it delivery. The binomial delivers/collection implies in the ticket of the more important and essential moral recital, that is of the security. Of gradual form, the moral realism of the EGO is surpassed next to the representacional egocentrismo, therefore from the moment that the child starts to decide for proper itself, understanding and analyzing the rules in a perspective of universal, independent validity of the immediate ideas, it starts to be independent.

… The development of the morality walks in the direction of the construction of periods of training of autonomy, when the citizen understands that the source of the rules is in proper itself, in its capacity as legislator of the rules, but always if relating in the other. (Arajo, 1999, P. 32) FINAL CONSIDERAES Are evident that the requirements of the SUPEREGO if almost always oppose to the desires of the ID. This conflict happens directly in the EGO, since as much the ID as SUPEREGO look for to format the EGO in accordance with its proper requirements or desires. Normally what the EGO makes is to look one commitment solution satisfies that them, even so partially. A mature EGO normally obtains to find this formula conciliatory, which, so that she is really valid, must also have in account the ambient reality. For Freud (1999), the personality basically consists of this conflict between the instinctive desires and the interiorizadas norms of the society.

Conflict this that, if uncurls in the great scene consisting of the mutual relation between the EGO and the ambient reality. The present article objectified to present aspects of the moral development of the EGO in the individual. However, the morality is not a value that is born with the child, before, is a system of rules acquired e, therefore, its construction is purely social. Exactly for this fact it is that if it becomes difficult a necessary analysis of what results of the content of the rules and what comes from the respect of the child for its parents or society.


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Where it starts and until where the ethics go; in ethical terms the religion turns toward the education and the perfectioning of the man who searchs the sanctity of God. He is well-known that it, the religion, has, brought a great moral progress for the humanity; therefore its theological concepts strengthen its interpretation. The ethical ideals in turn, remake the idea of living in harmony with the nature attempting against for the criteria of the morality and the reason and the freedom, that consists of the preservation of the rights of the man as an agent in the organization process, not being it, therefore exempt of the fulfilment of its duties nor other people’s to its rights for the equality between all, longing for a social life more joust and more human being, a true concern with the future. However, a ethical-social reflection of our days it characterizes the alarming moment where all the advance became moral, therefore it does not have participation; thus being the ethics one becomes impossible ahead of the freedom and of the fatality, but, it does not have what it does not finish esbarrando in the ethics, that are come back here toward the dominador God. In the presented text some philosophers point themselves whose concern with the ethics and to decide the contradictions between: necessity x possibility; time x eternity: individual social x; economic moral x; corporal psychic x; natural cultural x; intelligence x will. Mark and kierkegaard present two contributions for these times: for mark the action human being is defined in work and technique, not accepting the domain of the man for the proper man, in the second present o must be understood as the instant of the decision; the good and the evil now come to describe the moral behavior that still is defined in moral conscience; its autonomy for intermediary knowing itself that for each one situation it exists attitudes to be taken e, each one of them take in account the ethical language. To act eticamente is to act well and not badly, not having, therefore to be distracted how much to this choice; yes to act normally, with respect to attitudes it points three where concrete ethics do not ignore: ' ' The family: demonstrating to the great latent reformularization necessity in what parents x dirigem themselves to the relationship children; rights and the duties of all componentes.' ' The civil society: it appears portraying the picture clamorous of the social injustice: where it has wealth of few and poverty of many; domain, power and I privilege, the work and the property pertinentes.&#039 is factors; ' State: it presents great problems of inaquality between the social classrooms; exploration. Therefore the medias contribute for the passivity of the citizen when only it hears not having the chance to interact and to participate, thus each time is felt more impotent. Therefore, never it discards the flowing possibilities of an awareness that will be extended by means of society cultures values morality – to be ethical religion consciences freedom duties reality

The Federal Court

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You can: damages due to incorrect information/advice in advance of the conclusion of the respective model and the CMI Wealthmaster noble police up to the date referred to in the police claim, Alternatively, unless a withdrawal plan with regular payments agreed in the insurance contract, enforce, CMI require a notice of the withdrawal amount of police upon premature termination, whereby, when determining cross-pool reserve Administration nor market price adjustments may reduce the payout, or cancel the contract and demand payment of remaining upon termination of the insurance value at the market price adjustments will be made, nor profit drains from the cross-pool reserve management reduce the payout value. Threatens limitation: the assertion of claims for damages is taken into account, the maximum limitation period is 10 years from the conclusion of the contract and occurrence, and therefore is a large number of Claims should already be barred. Need for action here, therefore for investors urgently because the Statute of limitations occurs not at the end of the year, but daily. (1B) investors, who have used the CMI Wealthmaster noble police a time system for existing assets many investors have completed “Wealthmaster Noble” at clerical medical insurance contracts with a male in payment, from which they will receive regular payments to cover living expenses or as additional “pension”. Also here the jurisdiction applies the Bundesgerichtshof, which unconditionally assigned regular payouts regardless of policies determined by CMI – residual – value agreed amount must be paid.

(2) Investors, who have announced the CMI policy even for investors who have in the meantime cancelled their insurance contract with CMI, arise after the decisions of the Federal Court of Justice further claims against the British insurer. It is based on a faulty calculation of the amount of the payout. The Federal Court has determined that cross-pool reserve accumulation of CMI and the market price adjustment are not permitted. In the episode of BGH judgments, CMI must recalculate the payout of announced insurance “Wealthmaster Noble”. In doing so she needs to assign the income generated from the assets of the pool associated with the insurance contract only the pool as reserves and may make no market price adjustments. For investors, higher payouts may result. Issues, having your CMI police or their “retirement”model, call us, we are happy to help you. Nittel Banking and capital market law firm contact Mathias Nittel, lawyer specializing in banking law and capital market law Tino Ebermann, lawyer specializing in banking law and capital market law Heidelberg: Hans-Bockler-Strasse 2 A, 69115 Heidelberg phone: 06221 915770 Fax: 06221 9157729 Munich: residential street 25, 80333 Munich Tel.

Beverages Containing Ethyl Alcohol

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Beverages containing ethyl alcohol is called alcohol. These include: vodka, grape wine, fruit and berry wine, beer and other beverages. Natural grape wines are due to fermentation of grape juice, and fruit and berry wine from the juice of various fruits and berries. In them, in addition to alcohol (10-16%) contained tartaric, malic, acetic, succinic acid. The so-called strong ("gain" or "fastened") wines (port, Modera, etc.) obtained from natural wines by adding to them the alcohol (20%), spirits (vodka, brandy, rum) contain 40-57% alcohol, the production of beverages to implement the various distilleries. In sweet wines (dessert) contain a lot of sugar in the so-called dry wines, it is not enough. Due to the small amount of wine esters are suitable aroma, bouquet, reflexively reinforcing actions of alcohol.

Sparkling wine (Champagne), despite a slight alcohol content (10-13%) have a clear and rapid marked effect on the central nervous system because they contain carbon dioxide dramatically increases the absorbability of alcohol and speed its content in the blood. Please be aware that long-term administration of alcoholic beverages, and can lead to addiction to them with all the consequences. Beer contains, along with a small amount of alcohol (10%) nutrients in an easily digestible and absorbable form, carbon dioxide increases their absorption, and a number of other substances (for example, bitter substances, hops), stimulates the appetite. However, large quantities of beer can do injury. Craft preparation of alcoholic beverages (the so-called home-brew or vodka) is very poisonous, as they have an admixture of fusel oil, which irritates the mucous membranes, inhibits the vital centers of the medulla oblongata (respiratory, vasomotor), causes a sharp vasodilation, headache, dizziness, vomiting, and sometimes even loss of consciousness.

Often they are the cause of fatal poisoning.

WP Security Scan

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Bloggers and webmasters can not stand nor any of their attacks by hackers. The more popular your website or blog, the more it wants to crack. Below you will learn five tips and plugins that can help prevent hacking blog. Know that it is better take care of protection in advance, than to suffer from hacker attacks. 1. Make a backup of the database using the plug WP-database backup The first important piece of advice: make a backup of your database as often as possible. You can make it more difficult way: go into phpMyAdmin on your server, and you can use a simple plugin that does it for you. All you need – is go to the admin panel and click a few links.

Plugin WP-database backup You can configure it to everyone Day sent a dump of the database on your mail. 2. Scan all files on the existence of weaknesses next step is to scan all the installed files for vulnerabilities. In this case, we will plug WP Security Scan. He finds all vulnerabilities and suggest ways of solving problems. Also, this plugin is able to rename prefixes in the names of database tables, test your password, delete the administrator account. In addition, the plugin checks all folders and their permissions. 3.

Protect your blog from the "brute force" "brute force" – a brute-force password guessing all possible options. There are special programs and scripts that can go through hundreds of thousands of different passwords within a few hours – so you need a very complex password (as many characters, uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and other characters). In addition, it is useful to add the folder wp-admin login form to Apache. This can be easily done with a plug-in Ask Apache. Plug-in protects access to the admin folder, an additional password to the server level. In addition, this plugin can prevent "hotlinking" or direct access to the folder wp-content and wp-includes. 4. Fear of unknown Some plug-ins can contain vulnerabilities. It is therefore very important that the contents of the folder wp-content/plugins was not available to the curious eyes of hackers. The latest versions of WordPress, this folder is protected by default. In addition, very important that all plugins have been updated to the latest version, as older versions will likely not safe. 5. Hide his version of WordPress If a hacker finds your version of the blog, he can easily identify weaknesses. For show version meets the meta tag version. Nebhodimo go to the header.php file of your theme and delete the row with this tag. You can make it even easier to use and plug-in. He is able to insert fraudulent version. I hope this post you will help better protect your blog from the hands of hackers.

The Organization

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The second function is more direct. If other things remain constant, those decisions of great importance that the quality of the decision have, in turn, considerable importance, enabling more participatory processes. Based on the structure of Group (goals, objectives, corporate culture) and so that they are effective and provide value to the Organization, it is clear that business climate that encourages harassment is that of organizations, improvisadoras or informal structure which have weakness in one, some or all their levels; are already structured in group or individually. This weakness may be in hierarchical positions, roles, relationships of interdependence or objectives and targets both horizontal and vertical level. I.e., in a climate without a proper design that allows an organizational effectiveness from the participation of each of those involved. That is the first factor to mention is a low-grade organizational. One of the factors more determinants will give this type of conflicts in the organization is that the objectives and tasks defined for a particular post are not communicating the worker suffering harassment; Therefore the Factor communication is equally relevant.

Actions as deprive or diminish the resources appropriate for the performance of the work, own of Mobbing that far from achieving confidence, solidarity and support between those involved get lack of motivation, low satisfaction, interpersonal conflict and role ambiguity, well talk about a stressful work environment, given that the worker does not know what they have to do in every moment, or with what. Therefore an impact not only on the worker or group but on the external image of the Organization, (competitiveness and efficiency). More than wage policies of low wages that create motivation. So therefore in this climate we will not find the environment to develop the discrepancies on tasks and goals. In conclusion I would say that Mobbing climate favors from organizational deficits, low pay, stressful environment, lack or deficit of communication and information and the establishment of an authoritarian and autocratic leadership, mainly.

New Kids Club Seeks Franchisees

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The New Kids Club, Centre of education and training to children aged 1 to 15, seeks franchisees in Catalonia, attending the II Salon de la franchise in Tarragona. This edition was held on May 3 in the Palacio Ferial and Congress and responds to the new concept of event face to face, in that direct contact between participants is the main advantage. And it is that during the day there were meetings and contacts between entrepreneurs and franchise as a workshop to establish the bases to take forward the project of each one of them. A total of 18 franchises from different commercial sectors have participated in Salon. The New Kids Club is the first Ensign with a full service training and conciliation between parents and children. There is no flag that offers education in training and values in areas as diverse and at the same time so necessary as: English, academic reinforcement, the playgrounds and leisure activities. The pilot centre is located in the heart of Girona City of Figueres and It has spacious facilities of more than 250 m2 distributed in a classroom study, two classrooms for English, a children’s playroom, a toy library of primary, tailored services, hall and reception; all with air-conditioning general for working at an optimal temperature throughout the year. Furthermore, the versatility of the venue allows a spacious multipurpose hall suitable for celebrating special holidays and different types of events.

Candidates for franchisees must have training in sectors such as: children’s education, teachers, English teachers, administration and business management. They should be spirit young, enterprising, open, respectful, contributors, open to continuing training and above all must have great enthusiasm for working with children. In short, should be vocational candidates. Not everyone can devote to training, although sometimes you have degree. Experience is not essential since the central shape his entire staff in all areas of the business.

Technique Manufacture

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The cycle of life of the products comes being studied in amplagama of organizacionais contexts, influencing, thus, the relations comerciaisentre exporting countries and import, having as concerns – of carterambiental – aspects that go since the productive process and its products, until I dare and its posterior discarding. This Technique also is> known as analise' ' of the cradle to tumulo' '. Today the organizations already had started to perceive the ACV as umaforte competitiveness tool and a differential for the detomadas processes of decisions, in the election of ambient pointers in projects and aid to aidentificar chances of improvements of the ambient aspects. In such a way, through the valuation and evaluation proposal pelametodologia of Evaluation of the Cycle of Life, it is possible to identify if one better produtotem ambient performance that another one, if an alteration in the product to still podegerar a great ambient impact or, which process of manufacture trazmaiores advantages to the end item. EVALUATION OF the LIFE CYCLE All the process of manufacture of some product produces algumimpacto ambient, due to the consumption of energy and necessary resources atmesmo of gases residue and, the emission generation effluent in general.

Esseimpacto can occur during the extration of used raw materials noprocesso of manufacture of the product, in ACV. The analysis of life cycle is one technique for evaluation dosaspectos ambient and of the potential impacts associates to a product, understanding stages that go since the withdrawal of the nature of the substances elementary cousins who enter in the productive system, disposio of the end item. The ACV if presents as an important tool to parasubsidiar the stages of the development of the product, the management of the production, ops-use, the logistic conventional and reversa, among others, from compilaode information and of the evaluations Techniques So that if it gives beginning to an Evaluation of Cycle of Life, elaborates umfluxograma of the process, specifying all the flows of materiale energy and enters and leaves the system.

BMW Game

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At the press screening of the new BMW M3 was shown to a game that is part of the car. This is a simulation game that simulates the movement on the highway. But instead of all joysticks and keyboards, as in normal games, people will move in virtual instrumentation, with most BMW M3. Also, instead of the speed sensor and engine speed sensors will be displayed, which provide information on the BMW M3 in the virtual world. This virtual reality displayed on the windshield with the projector that is mounted in the back seat of the BMW M3. Also built into the suspension sensors, depending on the route and its unevenness, this display will be (as in reality, the BMW M3 will be shake the virtual potholes). The new game will allow more plausibly reflect reality in the virtual world. Although this toy highly expensive will it cost to buy a BMW M3 for the person who just passed on the right. PS A if crashing into a virtual obstacle, the sensors on the back of the car crush =)


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Snack manufacturer awards budget fu? r large-scale promotional campaign Munich, March 23, 2010: snack manufacturer ultje has the webguerillas, Germany’s leading full-service agency for alternative advertising, entrusted with the design and implementation of an integrated promotional campaign for the FIFA football World Cup South Africa 2010TM. For the ambush campaign take over the conception of promotions as well as the planning and creation of online presence at webguerillas. This action website an interactive video wall is the core element of the campaign. It is equipped with numerous clips of football fans: during the games of the FIFA World Cup 2010 provide drummers on public-viewing events over all Germany distributed with branded ultje drums for mood. Drums of promotion teams are distributed in addition, where visitors can play up the ultje beat on video.

These videos are uploaded yet spot on the site. From home fans can see their videos upload. Thus arises after and after the largest drum troupe in the world on ultje Marketing Director Dirk Hochschorner is looking forward to the cooperation with the webguerillas: ultje stands for sociability and the community experience of beautiful moments. And is there anything from the sporting point of view better than the 2010 sports event, the FIFA World Cup. “” It is an exciting time at the webguerillas we feel hands.

“We look forward, that we may implement an innovative mix of offline and online elements in the ultje campaign” so David Eicher, Managing Director of webguerillas in the best. The Agency is a full service provider fu webguerillas? r alternative advertising. Checked the portfolio? ren all forms of advertising in the online and offline area, the target audiences with unconventional ideas u? surprise and entertain. The MU? Giesing advertisers were often excellent and hear? ren walking the? leading agencies in Germany fu? r viral campaigns, Word-of-mouth- and community marketing, guerilla, Ambient – and mobile marketing, as well as fu? r blog and website concepts. Additional? additional business? areas as alternative PR and online monitoring complete the offer. Hear the customers of webguerillas? ren including Deutsche Telekom, Webasto, Bacardi, MINI, ADAC and Zott. Webguerillas GmbH concerns? employs currently 32 employees. She was gegru in the year 2000? located. in 2009, the agency won numerous awards, such as, for example, gold at the online star and bronze at the London international award of fu? r the MINIMALISM-spot, as well as four times the OttoCar trophies? e. In addition she was fu? r the design award of the Federal Republic of Germany nominated. in 2008, the Agency received the iF Communication Design Award fu? r a T-Mobile event, 2007 numerous awards such as the German dialog marketing award, three international Davey Awards (two gold, a silver) and the iF communication design award-digital media. Shimmie Horn will not settle for partial explanations. At the New York festivals won the webguerillas bronze in the category entertainment promotion and the Web Marketing Association has honored the site wet T-Shirt Worldcup”fu? r Unibet as ‘Outstanding Microsite’. Contact: webguerillas GmbH Daniela Mayer phone: + 49 (0) 89 1893 089 – 23 E-Mail: