Central America

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Secrecy gives you everything you want: happiness, health and wealth. What is the secret? I will explain what I have transmitted my teachers. We all work with a universal infinite power that is saved in where the vast majority of people do not seek it, and why, is not believed to exist, first because it is not and second is very well kept, imagine where? In the depths of your mind. We are all guided by the same laws. Are the natural laws of the universe extraordinary, wherever we are Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Peru, Paraguay, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Venezuela, Central America, Europe, etc.? We all work with the same power. A single law. The attraction! The secret is the law of attraction! Everything that comes into your life is because you’ve attracted. And you’ve attracted by images that you have in your mind.

You become what you think about subconscious way. What you think attract you. Thou who activate the law of attraction through your mind and that’s what I’m going to explain to you, if your mind has been shaped or influenced by dominant thoughts negatives from your growth, or these contaminating your life with negative news never really results in your physical reality, you cuestionaras daily and say I do not work for me. And I have to confess something 90% of the population worldwide has been formed and influenced by this type of training and negative beliefs, my mission is to show you that you can change your subconscious thought structure and achieve results with the law of attraction.

Hall Central

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A stylish ceramic furnace heats the House mainly. Electronic auxiliary heating and hot water boilers create additional comfort. An open air space over the dining-living room distributed the heat up in the roof spaces, where there are bath, Office and bedroom. Cool towards the North, you placed the bedroom. “Here it was not a painting: pure wood is of course better”, founded the client. Wooden Windows and doors in white to beige sides dominate the facade. Outside, a Swiss protection paint got the wood.

Entering the living room via an open Hall Central. Here you can look on the half a meter higher level with a white sofa and dining area with advice on furniture. It goes right to the kitchen on the ground floor, the toilet and the economic area with exit to the garden. A half basement with garage is located under the elevated living room. You reach the attic half from living room a few steps. Windows high up the gable provide good illumination of the living room. From this and from the pride offers unobstructed views in a water-meadow landscape Gallery.

Left they took note the astonishingly low heating costs of the exemplary insulated block House. That goes without saying”, argued the Bauherr.Viel more important was the interesting block wall system of the manufacturer for it. This are the standard dried block beam before compressed during mounting by means of tensioning ropes with a load of several tons to to reduce the setting of the building to a minimum and perfectly tight to get. We are not perfectionists, here and there a deficiency would have been no problem,”the builders testified to open-hearted. Two years after they have but to complain about anything. Your own planning, professional implementation and the personal design of the home get space. Peter Paksasorn

Icelandic Language

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The most widespread language was in western Norway, as He was based in the western dialect group. In "landsmole" contained significantly more native Norwegian words and phrases than in the "riksmole. There are also differences in the phonetics of the two varieties of language, but with that in both languages viewed the overall speech system. The Icelandic language has the status of official language in Iceland. This language is more richly represented by the ancient monuments of literature than the other Scandinavian languages group. He is a classical version of the literary language of the Middle Ages in Scandinavia.

That is why a Norse or ancient language of northern understand Old Norse language. Dialects Icelandic language do not have strong differences between them. This is explained by the fact that during the occupation of the island and the formation of dialects to confuse dialects (late September to early 10 th century). Then place the establishment of General Chamber or the Althing, and in 930, there was a rapid spread of literacy among the general population of Iceland. Thus, the discrepancy between the dialects prevalent in western Norway and the Icelandic intensified in the late medieval period. However, in a greater degree it was due to the remoteness of the Norwegian language from its old type. Novo-Icelandic retained the old system of declension, conjugation of words and and syntax of the language bears the archaic features. Vocabulary neo-Icelandic language involves a lot of tumors, which are based elements of the old and the old words.

Also in language there are borrowings from Danish. Along with this we have the foreign terms used in policy and technology. Written version of the neo-Icelandic language rather not much different from the Old Norse language. Fereysky language was spread on Fereyskih Islands. At fereyskom spoken fairly small number of people, approximately 25000. It is divided into several dialects. There are several ancient monuments of literature and Written fereyskogo language, but official its formation belongs to the 19 th century. Persecution and harassment of fishermen's households by the Danish capitalists, led to that rejection of the Danish language increased. Basis application fereyskogo language in literature are collections of ancient folk songs. Already by 1895 formed spelling language and literary form of language develops more and more. Fereysky language to date, kept in a multitude of archaic features, and much of it happened in the grammar. If we consider all the languages of the Scandinavian group, in some areas, they differ from each other, and in some they have certain similarities, so they are merged into one group.

Online-Store Health

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Today, on the first day of summer 2010 in Yekaterinburg, the largest in the SEC "Alatyr" will open a new store of health in which residents and visitors of the Urals capital can buy erotic lingerie and sex toys massage oils, gels and perfumes with pheromones, magazines and textbooks on sex, original souvenirs, films on DVD-ROM and many other Intimate Goods, on the Russian market by the National "Casanova 69". The opening of the eleventh store in the TRC "Alatyr" on the street. The Met, NYC often addresses the matter in his writings. Malyshev, 5 in conjunction with the beginning of June, which is considered one of the sexiest months of the year. Looking to the third floor of shopping center the opening day of the store, shoppers will be able to take part in an unprecedented action: only on 1 June sex shop "Casanova" offers to buy any product with 30% discount. Discount does not apply to products that store implemented within the framework of special offers. Health store – a new format in the retail trade erotic.

Erotic goods can get rid of complexes and to implement any secret desires in the intimate sphere, and this in turn helps to improve emotional state, and normalizes the function of internal organs, increases the overall life expectancy. Sex toys naughty gifts like not only the young and liberated. But if you hesitate to discuss the selection of such goods in personal contact with the seller – look at the online store "Casanova", where you can find instructions on how to the use of various erotic devices. This will help to make a successful purchase, giving you and your family new undiscovered earlier feelings of sexual games. "Casanova 69" delivers on the Russian market only quality products made in Germany: all presented in a shop sex toys, naughty condiments and desserts, a means of increasing potency supplements meet hygienic requirements in the domestic and international standards. Visit us at.

Raise Sails

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Would you at least five minutes to find yourself in the shoes of a pirate, to surf the Caribbean in search of the richest treasures and exciting adventures? This opportunity gives us a computer game from the company "Akella", continuation of the famous series about pirates – 'Corsairs: City of Abandoned Ships. The game is perfect lovers of adventure and romance. In 'Le Corsaire' you'll have to feel like a seasoned maritime a wolf or a lanky pirate. In general, the game is very similar to the previous part of the 'Return of the Legends'. Of the innovations that are clearly evident, it may be noted, only two new locations, the opportunity to swim and move on depths of the sea and of course the new storyline. Everything else is unfortunately not very noticeable.

From the plot especially like to mention a couple of global and most interesting 'lines'. The first of these, as is clear in name of the game, the story us about the mysterious island, the legend – City of Abandoned Ships. And the second is based upon the works of Rafael Sabatini, and tells us the story of Peter Blood, English doctor, who by coincidence deplorable circumstances become a slave, but escapes and with his new team begins to plow the sea expanses Caribbean archipelago. There are a couple of places that you will surely be interested. For example Tenochtitlan, the capital destroyed the Aztec Empire, where our hero to meet with the ruler of the kingdom of the dead themselves. As well as hiking in Panama, under the command of the famous pirate Henry Morgan. Yet you will be able to please the underwater missions where the hero in a special suit to explore the seabed, which is also infested by its mysteries. All other jobs, which is full in any coastal town of banal and annoying.

But if you walk carefully, yet there is opportunity to stumble on something interesting. But we will not open you the all the cards of the game. Mark that something else is very difficult, except that subtle changes in the combat system and in artificial intelligence. Graphics in the game is the same as in the previous section. Then again, perhaps, better performed, but just an ordinary eye, it's hard to notice. But there is nothing surprising here. The engine, which made the game seriously outdated and long overdue send to a pension. And indeed many believe the entire series of 'Le Corsaire', starting with a 3 part failure. In part, we agree with that, but the game is worth it to pay its taking out, given the fact that these games unit. Lift sail, Captain! Game-Fort goes to boarding!

Forecasts Are Not Always Right

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The dollar will rise. The dollar will fall. U.S. is in pieces. U.S. will rise again. Europe is invulnerable. Well, not anymore. Must be increased regulation. It will not help. The recession of 1929 is back. It’s just a temporary crisis. There will be war. I can not, times have changed. The crisis has affected everyone. Absolutely not! … Nothing will happen here. * Rav Dr. Michael Laitman Well, this is only a partial list of all the forecasts we draw from the most outstanding recent economic pillars. It appears that the current financial reality, Forrest Gump, with his famous maxim “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get” – could easily take a place of honor next to the best commentators and experts capital markets. Between “us”, no one has the slightest idea what will happen to our economy.

The financial models are trying to predict the future based on the past, but even the more sophisticated model prediction could barely reduce uncertainty, at best, not totally removed. It’s something that even major economic columnists remain reserved and not rush to give advice or conclusions about the future of the markets. Why so much trouble? Why we can not predict the future of the systems that we ourselves have created? “Well, it’s a very complicated issue that depends on many factors,” respond those afflicted in their hands lies get us out of the swamp. But in reality, the answer is much simpler: we have no idea what tomorrow will Yamaguchi of Japan or Joe on Wall Street.

Travel To Prague

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Knowing more and more the world is one of the most enjoyable and rewarding experiences you can live, for even a little knowledge of different cultures in the world, trying to get acquainted with people from different countries and know more about their customs, their lifestyle, their dialect, the spaces in which they develop life in other countries, all this will be very valuable experience that very likely will have a special value throughout the life of a person. To find a place of great importance, which can be very important to elucidate the different parts of the world, since its vast culture formed in the majesty and an important historical process accompanied by art, which is reflected in the architectural style of Instead, they will make sure that visiting this place is something special and the means by which they can enjoy these features, it is thanks to the completion of a trip to Prague. According to the above who made a trip to Prague, you can enjoy a stay in one of the cities with the highest content accompanying cultural architectural structure of the city itself, so much so that this city considered one of the cultural centers of greater value in Central Europe. For those who decide to make a trip to Prague, it is good to learn a little more about the city, so in this article are provided some tips that look to be most useful for quines want to make a trip to Prague, allowing the information is equally useful for deciding to make a trip to Prague or those who are already determined to make the trip to Prague aware of some conditions of the city to make the most of the instance in the capital city of the Czech Republic. One aspect that is of great importance when making a trip to Prague, is to know what language is spoken in the place, so the city's official language is Czech, but it is also very common to speak languages like German and English, so before making a trip to Prague, it is good to know some basic words of these languages to facilitate communication by making a trip to Prague. Continuing with the tips of information to make a trip to Prague, in many cases they speak Spanish can go to Prague without a visa, the cases of nationals of Spain, Mexico, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Bolivia, Guatemala, Honduras and Venezuela, quines belong to other country if they need a visa issued by the embassy in the country. When making a trip to Prague must have in mind what the schedule is run, thus driving another hour of GMT in addition to the end of March ahead one hour schedule until the end of October to make a trip to Prague it should be donning the weather is mild, but a mix of oceanic and continental climate, hence may occur in an unstable winter or warm summer.

Walt Whitman Freedom

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"For how long we were deceived." Walt Whitman Freedom is the ability of the powerful to keep under the weak regime, without them become aware of the play. Total, one can say: if nobody notices anything or protest, to speak of a world of freedom, and even peace. On this context, nothing prevents such a perverse definition of versatile word. But it is not displayed (or gluttony) dialectic, but history. It is an issue a day, greatly in Latin America, where political-economic mold on the right (plutocracy and capitalism) tumble and fall, therefore, the assembly of deception. People start looking and rich guys to worry about their finances and status, and screaming, with all its media power, that there is "freedom", which ended the history and progress, supposedly because there is no country, much less " democracy. " That. No wonder your complaint.

What freedom can they assess that a dead-of-hungry learn to read, to organize socially and discover the deception, that is, physiology of the domain to which you have had? Which read, read what has been. It is to panic. In contrast to the paradigm of power, a sheath and is an attack against all: the Power, the world of values, democracy, law, history, morals, freedom … It is the seed of revolution and revolution is overturning the historical tortilla. To a hell with the independence of anyone! It is sedition, and sedition is not freedom, even though the books (written by himself, the paradigm, I mean) to extol the little word ideal corollary.

National Center

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He bend all the joints, including the smallest fingers. Perfectly preserved teeth, hair, eyelashes, eyebrows. Invited to the identification of who had seen Lama until 1927 Bimba Tsybikova, born in 1910, candidate of historical sciences. According to him, Hambo Lama was small and very thin, and has now become even smaller. But he immediately recognized the features Itigelova – they have not changed. Of an "act of external examination of the exhumed corpse", signed September 11 by three leading National Center forensic experts, "Any foreign aromatic, resinous or putrid odor from the contents of the box and the corpse is not defined … Soft tissue elastic body tightly consistency, joint mobility is preserved.

Hairs on the head, the nail plate saved. Corpse pose when removing the last remains of the box without any support and fixing devices. Any traces showing the previously produced by the opening of body cavities for the possible balzamatsii or conservation, as well as any damage, marks earlier trauma, operative interventions, diseases of the body of a corpse is not found. " Incorrupt body was transported to Itigelova Ivolginsky Datsan – the main Buddhist temple in Russia. Grand Master returned and is now the object of worship for Buddhists Buryatia, Russia and the world. Central Spiritual Board of Russia Sangha decided to create the conditions for the further preservation of the precious relics, since according to Gelek-Balbar Lama, "the worship of the body can be a yogi bring great benefit to all believers.

" For Lama built the sarcophagus of the glass, which protects from dust Itigelova, and not on time. The monks say that sometimes it fog up the inside. Glass sarcophagus placed on second floor Ivolginsk Datsan. History Museum of Buryatia Hambo Lama returned clothes. Teachers almost always about is his main caretaker Bimbo Lama, very friendly, but not particularly talkative person who claims that only after his departure to another world will be to publish his "revelations." After some time he changed his clothes and wipe with a towel, and it claims to this period are the joints more mobile.

Call Center

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Based on the foregoing, the main purpose of this article is an attempt to provide an opportunity to address a potential customer how to construct a call center and whether it needs it in principle. The History of the call centers consider the scheme of the call center. The ancestor of the center, of course, is a single phone and sitting near a young lady, constantly responding to these challenges. These ‘Call Center’, each of us could watch many times. The effectiveness of the call center is high only with average load on the line less than 0.5 Erlang, which means no more than 30 minutes, the operator of employment within the hour. In the call center efficiency also takes into account the potential number of lost calls, ie calls are not ended by or any other answer. When the number of incoming calls to the effectiveness of the call center, naturally, falls, and its increasing need to increase the number of lines and, correspondingly, the number of operators.

At a certain stage it is clear that increasing the number of operators as the number of calls can not go on. There is an urgent need to handle the largest number of calls to the lowest of human resources. Call centers can be implemented even in the ASCT, but schemes that allow to apply the latest methods of call distribution necessarily require the use of digital telephone exchanges. Increasing the number of calls handled Consider methods to handle the largest number of calls to the smallest number of operators.