The Jordanian Rock City Of Petra

The architectural feats of the ancient civilizations, marvel at one of the “seven new wonders of the world’ tourists in Egypt, Greece or America. As the holiday Portal reported, a trip in the Arab world worth in addition. In the today’s Jordan, the people created an impressive capital of the Nabataeans around 2200 years ago. From the rocks of the mountain country of Edom, they carve a city made of stone, henceforth called Petra. For more information see this site: Times Square. The rock town was only discovered in the 19th century.

Over 1000 years it was buried, by earthquake before the Swiss Johann Ludwig Burkhardt stumbled by chance on the buildings made of pink stone. Today, the nearly 1000 cliff dwellings, temples, tombs and places of sacrifice are attraction for tourists from all over the world. Visitors enjoy the best views of the natural shades of red in the rocks of the ad-Deir monastery high above the Valley. The ascent of the 800 levels proposed in the rock is difficult. Still, the effort is rewarded: especially in the morning hours or in the late afternoon, when the Sun paints a stunning play of colours on the walls. A journey ( travel/flat rate) at the Jordan River is not least interesting in that even the UNESCO declared the area a world heritage. Since 2007 belongs also to the seven new wonders of the world”Petra next to the Taj Mahal in India and the great wall of China, the Colosseum in Rome..