Monthly Archives: January 2016

Forecasts Are Not Always Right

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The dollar will rise. The dollar will fall. U.S. is in pieces. U.S. will rise again. Europe is invulnerable. Well, not anymore. Must be increased regulation. It will not help. The recession of 1929 is back. It’s just a temporary crisis. There will be war. I can not, times have changed. The crisis has affected everyone. Absolutely not! … Nothing will happen here. * Rav Dr. Michael Laitman Well, this is only a partial list of all the forecasts we draw from the most outstanding recent economic pillars. It appears that the current financial reality, Forrest Gump, with his famous maxim “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get” – could easily take a place of honor next to the best commentators and experts capital markets. Between “us”, no one has the slightest idea what will happen to our economy.

The financial models are trying to predict the future based on the past, but even the more sophisticated model prediction could barely reduce uncertainty, at best, not totally removed. It’s something that even major economic columnists remain reserved and not rush to give advice or conclusions about the future of the markets. Why so much trouble? Why we can not predict the future of the systems that we ourselves have created? “Well, it’s a very complicated issue that depends on many factors,” respond those afflicted in their hands lies get us out of the swamp. But in reality, the answer is much simpler: we have no idea what tomorrow will Yamaguchi of Japan or Joe on Wall Street.