Monthly Archives: May 2018

Daniel Leuenberger

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About AD.M AD.M is a 2010-based Swiss Men’s fashion label, which designs high-quality, unique Polo shirts. AD.M stands for assorted design. For men”and Adam, which embodies the absolute masculinity is an association the archetypes. Behind the AD.The two successful Zurich entrepreneur Rene Karrer and Andreas Steiner are M. The WORK.LIFE Polo ad.M escorting the man today in the versatile roles between where he must constantly change and make it always look good him. You all outfitted with highest quality materials, functional properties and unique details. For those people, their work-life balance is at the heart, there is the AD.M Club. Members get to enjoy of various concessions and automatically participate in Raffles attractive prices.

The newest collection from May 10, 2012 is available online on and in the AD.M flagship store on the preacher station 18 in Zurich. For further information and image material Andreas Steiner, AD.M Zurich AG corridor road 56, 8048 Zurich telephone: + 41 43 817 31 78 E-Mail: Daniel Leuenberger, Oppenheim & Partner GmbH (Press Office) stockerstrasse 32, 8002 Zurich phone: + 41 44 515 65 00 E-Mail: about Serranetga Serranetga is a full service digital agency headquartered in Zurich. Due to the forward-looking network creation, media and technology, the agency creates digital advertising from a single source. Serranetga prevailed in this country since first hour as a pioneer in the field of online advertising and social media and a pioneer again and again: the agency turned advertising on Facebook, for example, as a first in the Switzerland, provided with an in-house team of seeding for maximum viral effects reached greatest with real time bidding links possible as well as high-quality ranges and optimized so the advertising francs for their customers. The company employs 30 people. The triumphal procession of digital media is not to stop, and is still gaining momentum. Serranetga follows this belief.

So Sebrus Athar

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The visitors who come to Frankfurt, have concrete objectives, investment-ready and know what solutions are you looking for.” Dr. Torsten Schwarz, Managing Director Absolit, added: the highly professional design at the new location, as well as the modern and communicative atmosphere in the Portalhaus convinced. The networking party is an ideal platform for the industry to replace the relaxing part.” Praise was also the event organization. So Sebrus Athar, Managing Director, Promio.NET GmbH, commented: the very special focus of the email-Expo offers a pleasant setting for professionally qualified exchange. “Through the attentive care on the part of the Organizer, we could concentrate on the essential: effective email marketing strategies for our customers and prospective customers.” Perfect setting for new exhibitors of this opinion were also companies exhibiting for the first time in Frankfurt. They welcomed the high quality of visitors and the sharp profile of the email-Expo. So far, our concentrated on the United States as well as Asia, Latin America and the United Kingdom.

Since the beginning of 2012, we are active with an Office in Munich in German-speaking countries. The email-Expo is the perfect platform for us to show presence in the context of the competition. In We have had many interesting talks Frankfurt, including with exciting small, medium-sized but also global companies, who currently wish to invest in E-mailing”, said Thomas Koenen, Sales Director D/A/CH at exact target, in connection to the exhibition. As a new exhibitor, also XQueue presented itself. Frank Santibanez, Managing Director of the company sums up: we have exhibited for the first time at the email-Expo and are satisfied. We come back.” Highlights of the expert forums 2012 convinced the expert forums with new specials in addition to the very well-attended lectures. So the email-live shootout with Dr. Torsten Schwarz led the strengths such as weaknesses of modern E-mailing and showed clear: gone are the days where users with technology need to tackle,.


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The kingdom of heaven will be like a man who, on a journey called his servants and entrusted his property. To one he gave five talents, to another two, and another only one talent, each according to his capacity. Then he went away. He who had received the five talents went at once and traded with them and gained five more talents. Also, who received two talents gained two more talents. But he that had received one talent went and dug a hole in the ground and hid his master’s talent. After long time the lord of those servants returned and settled accounts with them.

He who had received the five talents came up with the other five talents. Senor a , a said, a usted entrusted me with five talents. Look, I have gained five talentos.a His master replied, Hiciste well, good and faithful servant! As you were faithful, I will put you in charge of many more. Aven to share your happiness sir, a He also received two talents. Senor a , a reported, a usted entrusted me with two talents.

Look, I have gained two talentos.a “His master replied, Hiciste well, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful over a little, I will put you in charge of many more. oats to share your master’s happiness! a Then the man who had received only one talent. Senor a , a said, a Oeyo know you are a hard man, harvesting where you have not sown and gathering where it has not spread. So I was afraid and went and hid your talent in the ground. Look, here is what is suyo.a But his master replied Siervo bad and lazy! Yasi you knew that I reap where I have not sown and gather where I have not scattered seed? Then you should have put my talent on elsewhere, so that my return would have received with interest. Take off his talents and give it to who has the ten talents. For everyone who has will be given more, and have an abundance. Whoever does not have to be taken away what he has. And throw him in that worthless servant outside, into the darkness, there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.