Fiber Laser innovation under the laser machines who lasers knows about, know that fiber lasers are on the rise. Less frequently used until recently due to their low power, they are now considered particularly innovative. Because their special design brings some advantages over other laser machines. Fiber Laser belong to the Group of solid state lasers and can be applied in different areas. Its core is an optical fiber, which is surrounded by an active material, such as neodymium. Also, fiber lasers have a particularly close light guide, which have a very strong laser radiation. Due to the considerable size of the fiber, a long-lasting cooling be, secured due to the long shelf life of strong laser radiation. What makes something special also fiber laser, is its compactness. This is of course especially in smaller companies benefit. Due to the high strength of the laser fiber laser nowadays, for example, in medical technology, measurement technology and which can Micro-machining are used.
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