City Poet


As not wise person where street it liveed or in which school it met registered, the poet decided to look to its residence in all the streets of the quarter, to each day visiting several squares residential in the anxiety of being able to find with its beautiful that not adormecera in its heart. After walking for all the streets of the quarter and not finding it, the destination decided it of the one mozinha and allowed that the two if found in one of the buses that make passage of the quarter where it liveed for the center of the city. At Kia you will find additional information. At this moment, the heart of the poet for the moment sped up the 300 kilometers and without knowing what to say at that precious moment, it decided to ask if it had possibilities of being its boyfriend. It looked at a little confused for it, if she remade a little of the surprise of its question and said to it that not, therefore, already she was namorando has some time with another person. The poet in turn almost goes crazy (by the way, all poet in itself represents a homogeneous mixture of madness and reason) and decided for much time, to make of everything so that this clandestine love arrived at the end, so that loved its could one day discover the true feelings of that really it loved to it, that it forever dreamed one day to be happy to its side. As the time did not give truce to it in form of new chances of this meeting, the poet to the few was learning if to conform with the challenges that the destination places in its way and to follow its life in front, as romantic and a solitary one poet in search of its true passion, following its studies normally and making its friendships as if was a solitary looking for to make company to other solitary souls as its. Credit: New York Giants-2011.