Happy Birthday, Robert Morris!

Robert Morris life theme-happy birthday, Robert Morris. The body in the room so you could summarize Robert Morris’ life. He became famous in 1961 in New York City through its two columns: two man-sized, hollow plywood pillars, one vertical, one horizontal. As the viewer behaves to such counterparts, which feel the simple forms lead to him, it was Morris’ central question. Similarly, his famous L-beams worked four years later: plywood sculptures in L-shape arranged cube to the artists in different lineup in the white, which should ennobling him finally to the pillar saints of recent art history. “” “He manifested Morris’ revolutionary conception of the relation of body sculpture in 1966 in his legendary post notes on sculpture”in Artforum magazine”, the strong interest of the former generation of artists of Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology of perception” reflected. While it is not surprising that Morris’ sculptures strange human adheres to: coming from the dance and performance and in the Judson Dance Theater with Carolee Schneemann and Yvonne Rainer actively, he had up 1961 a column on stage as overturn passed out completely, as if he wanted to anticipate Michael fried’s critical thesis that minimal lift type with its theatricality the distance between work and Viewer.

And not just stopped even Morris himself. While Donald Judd, Carl Andre, Dan Flavin, in which minimal anthologies with him like in the same breath called remained faithful to their once developed recipes for success, Morris spun the thread continues of mirrored cubes that challenge the viewer’s interactivity overland type fabric in the form of craters and steaming surface outdoor up down to felt tracks, which fall from the wall and today already among the incunabula of the form of the anti. His exhibition at Spruth Magers Berlin demonstrated recently that Morris still remains faithful to his artistic strategies and this always new shapes designed: There were twelve works of 2009 from the blindfolded has blind time drawings presented created drawing series, started the Morris 1973 and which is good up to the present day for surprises here. Today, Robert Morris is 80 years old. Please continue reading here: art world’s leading online magazine and decorative art online.