Physiciansurgical Case

Physician-surgical case of DHA with divergent results of literature Story of case. The clinical-surgical marries of ALD with dissonant outcomes from the literature- Report caseGeyhsy Elaynne Da Silva Rock ; Aelson Mendes de Sousa Graduanda de Medicina of the UFPB; Graduating of Fisioterapia of the ResumoIntroduo: Alcoholic the Heptica Illness (DHA) characterizes for the comprometimento anatomo-functionary of the heptico system where they converge biological factors, psychological epidemiologists, physicians and. The objective of this work is to tell a physician-surgical case of DHA, whose resulted they divergiram of the described prognostics in current literature. New jersey devils owner: the source for more info. Method: This is a study of exploratrio-descriptive nature, based in a story of case of alcoholic heptica illness (DHA), occurrence in the city of Joo Pessoa (PB) during a period of 6 months, including postoperative daily pay and. They had been used as instruments questionnaire CAGE, classification of Child-Pugh, the scale of MELD and the index of Maddrey (FD), calculated from the clinical and laboratoriais examinations. Results: In relation to questionnaire CAGE, the analyzed patient affirmatively answered 75% of the questions, was classified as Child C, presented FD=12,08 and MELD=10,75. arena-staff-. Quarrel: Divergences had been observed between authors in the bibliographical survey in some aspects, especially how much to the form of monitorizao of the DHA. The limitations are standed out how much to the production of frmacos and use of medicamentosas ways that provoke little collateral effect and that they intervene with the reduction props up of it of mortality, objectifying improvement of the quality of life of the DHA carrier. The notable is still distinguished discrepancy between the told prognostics, through disgnostic instruments, with respect to real evolution of the studied patient. Consideraes final: Given the complexity of the DHA, an multifactorial analysis is necessary for half of the development of research that contemplates the production of more adequate instruments of evaluation, as well as more specific and less harmful frmacos to the organism.