Tag Archives: environment


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Later was instituted it Commission of Residues, which elaborated the Plan of Management of Residues of Health? PGRS, obeying the criteria technician, ambient legislation, norms of collection and transport of the local services of urban cleanness. The management must enclose all the stages of planning of the physical resources, the material resources and the qualification of the involved human resources in the handling of the RSS. The basic procedures of handling of residues are: 1. Handling the handling of the RSS is understood as the action to manage the residues in its aspects intra and extra establishment, since the generation until the final disposal, including the following stages: 1.1. At shimmie horn you will find additional information. Segregation Consists of the separation of the residues at the moment and place of its generation, in accordance with the physical, chemical, biological characteristics, its physical state and the involved risks.

1.2. Preservation Turns to the act to pack the segregated residues, in bags or containers that prevent emptyings and resist the actions of puncture and rupture, based on the NBR the 9191/2000 of the ABNT, respected limits of weight of each bag, being forbidden to its esvaziamento or reaproveitamento. 1.3. Identification Mentions the set to it of measures that allows to the recognition of the residues contained in the bags and containers, supplying information to the correct handling of the RSS. The identification must be appositive in the preservation bags, in the containers of internal and external collection, in the containers of internal and external transport, and in the places of storage, place of easy visualization, form indelvel, using symbols, colors and phrases, taking care of to the parameters referenciados in norm NBR 7500 of the ABNT. The classification is made of the following form: The Group: identified for the constant infectante substance symbol in the NBR-7500 of the ABNT, with labels of deep white, black drawing and contours. Group B: identified through symbol of associated risk, in accordance with the NBR 7500 of the ABNT and with discrimination of chemical substance and phrases of risk.


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Much is being discussed in Peru's economic boom, the boom in finance, economic growth, but little is said about the sad reality of a people abandoned by the Peruvian State in the walk. We are talking about a people living in poverty, misery, despite their enormous wealth. If you would like to know more then you should visit New York Museums. Apurimac department whose etymology of his name in Quechua means "God speaks", was created on April 28, 1872 and has since abandoned, neglected by successive democratic governments and dictatorships in Peru. In the province of El Progreso, there are 27, 574 inhabitants, its capital is Chuquibambilla. According to reports of its inhabitants, there are those who continually threaten to leave the place to relocate because they want to mineral exploration, there. Villagers claim that there is no hospital in his hometown, no urban sanitation, people live in shacks, spends a lot of hunger.

The residents of Apurimac are mostly farmers. Poverty and neglect in which they are, and the lack of education and few opportunities for development, generating a vicious circle that malnutrition is one of its most serious consequences. Josh Harris Apollo may find this interesting as well. "The bulk of farmers are subsistence farmers, mini parcel. These families are in a situation of poverty and extreme poverty because they produce is not enough for survival A large percentage of children under five years, especially those living in the poorest and most isolated communities in the country have discovered the face of death, and those who will never be able to evade normal children, and they will never use their physical and intellectual capacities to one hundred percent. The rationale for such a diagnosis is called unfair chronic malnutrition, and derives from the lack of protein and vitamins in the diet of these children. Once again, injustice falls upon the most defenseless, the children of those communities suffer the consequences of ignorance, poverty and neglect policy that have been exposed to their parents and grandparents for generations. What has made the Peruvian state by Apurimac? You to exploit its mines and take the wealth of the people, has done nothing but look with indifference as they die of starvation, neglect, this population undernourished.

Where are the glass of milk, school breakfast, the construction of hospitals? Where are the soup kitchens because they are given technical assistance, loans to cultivate more land? There is much to do, not just statements, promises, lying to address them, but rather get down to action and start working in the Construction of roads, hospitals (non-medical posts) in electrification, for that town. We boast of growth, development, progress of Peru, where we have our brothers Andean Apurimac, in the most terrible poverty and neglect. Worse, if we allow that threaten to throw them off their land, more mines to exploit them and not give them anything for the wealth extracted from there. Think of bringing development to these places, where more than secure, My House, Techo Propio, will not, nor cares to go. Let's be fair, we help our indigenous brothers from the Amazon, but ande.A also those of our brothers in Apurimac. Do not pollute its waters, with mining waste, not doomed. The population of Apurimac, needs the help of the State, work, electricity, water, roads.

Rain Water Quality

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The water is basic resource to the life, indispensable resource in the agriculture of familiar base, of average and wide it scales, and in almost all the productive processes. Suppliments of water demand are a continuous concern of the humanity, which had to the increasing population increase, the uncertainties of the climatic factors and the increasing hdrica pollution. In a devoid water region, the knowledge of the hidrolgicos processes is basic for the permanence and survival of the man in the field. With the increase of the population throughout the years, the gamma of uses of the water grew together with the relative restrictions to its quality. The uses of the water had evolved throughout the time, having involved the feeding and personal hygiene, agriculture, navigation, industrial production, cooling of thermoelectrial and nuclear plants and recreativas activities. The antrpicas actions have modified the climate in the most diverse regions of the world and many times the necessary conditions to maintenance of the life human being has been harmed. The awareness of the importance of the hdricos resources in the quality of life of the population comes originating increasing demands of information for the elaboration of projects, mainly in small hidrogrficas basins. The projects in these basins have attracted to the attention of researchers and borrowers of decision, since the data collected in these regions are valuable sources of information that could be used in bigger basins. The great variability of the hdrica availability, secular as in such a way space, standes out the necessity of permanent quantification of liquid discharges aiming at to the forecast of future outflows and the amounts of sediments produced for a rain event. The water availability in amount and quality for the diverse uses, in special the water for human supplying, is a concern of the humanity and the subject has been debated in diverse regions, mainly the half-barren ones.

Technique Manufacture

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The cycle of life of the products comes being studied in amplagama of organizacionais contexts, influencing, thus, the relations comerciaisentre exporting countries and import, having as concerns – of carterambiental – aspects that go since the productive process and its products, until I dare and its posterior discarding. This Technique also is> known as analise' ' of the cradle to tumulo' '. Today the organizations already had started to perceive the ACV as umaforte competitiveness tool and a differential for the detomadas processes of decisions, in the election of ambient pointers in projects and aid to aidentificar chances of improvements of the ambient aspects. In such a way, through the valuation and evaluation proposal pelametodologia of Evaluation of the Cycle of Life, it is possible to identify if one better produtotem ambient performance that another one, if an alteration in the product to still podegerar a great ambient impact or, which process of manufacture trazmaiores advantages to the end item. EVALUATION OF the LIFE CYCLE All the process of manufacture of some product produces algumimpacto ambient, due to the consumption of energy and necessary resources atmesmo of gases residue and, the emission generation effluent in general.

Esseimpacto can occur during the extration of used raw materials noprocesso of manufacture of the product, in ACV. The analysis of life cycle is one technique for evaluation dosaspectos ambient and of the potential impacts associates to a product, understanding stages that go since the withdrawal of the nature of the substances elementary cousins who enter in the productive system, disposio of the end item. The ACV if presents as an important tool to parasubsidiar the stages of the development of the product, the management of the production, ops-use, the logistic conventional and reversa, among others, from compilaode information and of the evaluations Techniques So that if it gives beginning to an Evaluation of Cycle of Life, elaborates umfluxograma of the process, specifying all the flows of materiale energy and enters and leaves the system.

Chronic Hunger

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Although entertainer, this number still is unacceptably high and is very far from the Objectives of Development of the Millenium to diminish the hunger for the half up to 2015. Women and children represent the biggest ratio of people suffering from chronic hunger. The high prices of foods the low income places poor families with bigger risk not to obtain to receive feeding adjusted for gestantes, babies and children. In fact, more than one tero of infantile mortality in the world is related to the inadequate nutrition. Something between 25% and 50% of harvest of the countries poor ruins or is contaminated by fungos plagues or, before arriving at the tables. In the year of 1976 then the 4 billion inhabitants consumed resources that the nature obtained to restitute, which is, the planet was in its break-even point.

This situation moved and currently 50% are consumed more than the telluric spare capacity and for 2030 a consumption 100% is projected superior. This reliable accomodation loan made by the nature the human beings will cost expensive if it will not be corrected, with reflected right-handers in the deterioration of the quality of life of the species. To turn itself to the break-even point it must be reduced the natural consumption of resources and services in 33%, but as to explain to the Africans and Asians who not they can have the standard of living of the first world? Sustainable agriculture is appearing as a solution to mitigate climatic changes, to reduce problems of public health and costs, to become the cities most inhabitable and to generate empregosem estagnadas economies. More promising and possible future Emum, poor countries that currently have food scarcity could pass if to feed and to generate excesses to help other countries. The food production is inserted in the nature and is agent of its resetting. The agricultural activity almost always blossoms for the deforestation of forests.